Dear Baptiste, thank you for your help. I tried to built in your suggestions into the splom. Below is the result. I decided to create the plotmath-expressions outside the function splom2, this will allow me later to horizontally shift (via phantom, for example) the table entries so that they will be vertically aligned according to the "=" signs. Although an array is allowed to contain expressions, I could not manage to create it properly. Do you know a solution?
Cheers, Marius library(lattice) library(grid) library(gridExtra) ## splom with customized lower.panel ## x: data ## expr.arr: array of expressions [(i,j,) entry contains expressions which are ## plotted in a grid table in the lower panel (i,j)] splom2 <- function(x, expr.arr){ ## function for creating table <- function(vec){ # single values for one panel grid.table(vec, parse=TRUE, # parse labels as expressions theme=theme.list( gpar.corefill=gpar(fill=NA, col=NA), # make bg transparent core.just="left") # justification of labels ) } ## splom splom(x, varname.cex=1.4, superpanel=function(z, ...){ panel.pairs(z, upper.panel=panel.splom, lower.panel=function(i,j){[i,j,]) }, ...) }) } ## create data and array of expressions d <- 4 x <- matrix(runif(d*1000), ncol=d) expr.arr <- array(, dim=c(d,d,3), dimnames=c("i","j","val")) # d x d x 3 elements for(i in 1:d){ for(j in 1:d){ # expr.arr[i,j,] <- expression(italic(a)==0, italic(bbb)==0, italic(c)==0) # does no work expr.arr[i,j,] <- c(bquote(italic(a)==.(0)), bquote(italic(bbb)==.(0)), bquote(italic(c)==.(0))) # same here } } ## plot splom2(x, expr.arr) On 2011-04-20, at 01:33 , baptiste auguie wrote: > Hi, > > You may want to wait advice from someone who actually understands (the > labyrinth that is) lattice's help for splom, but the following might > be a start. I didn't understand what values you actually wanted > displayed in the lower triangle panels, so I made up some random ones > in a 3x3 matrix of 3-vectors. > > library(lattice) > library(gridExtra) > > info <- function(x){ > grid.table(c(bquote(italic(a)==.(x[1])), > bquote(italic(b)==.(x[2])), > bquote(italic(c)==.(x[3]))), > core.just="left", > parse=TRUE) > } > > U <- matrix(runif(3000), ncol=3) > > splom(U, > superpanel=function(z, ...){ > ## dummy 3x3 matrix of 3 values to diplay > values <- replicate(9, round(rnorm(3), 3), simplify=FALSE) > dummy <- matrix(values, ncol=3, byrow=F) > panel.pairs(z, upper.panel=panel.splom, > lower.panel=function(i, j, ...){ > print(paste(i,j)) # current panel indices > info(dummy[i,j] [[1]]) # access the list elements > }, ...) > }) > > HTH, > > baptiste > > > On 20 April 2011 10:17, Marius Hofert <> wrote: >> Dear Baptiste, >> >> there is one tricky part left: how can I create a matrix with the >> grid.table() >> objects as output? Is this possible? If not, maybe one can try to work with >> panel.splom (which can address single panels and thus call info() for each >> row-column index pair (i,j)), but I'm not sure if this will work. >> >> Cheers, >> >> Marius >> >> library(lattice) >> library(gridExtra) >> >> splom2 <- function(x, a, b, c){ >> ## function for the additional information >> info <- function(a., b., c.){ # single values for one panel >> grid.table(c(bquote(italic(a)==.(a.)), >> bquote(italic(b)==.(b.)), >> bquote(italic(c)==.(c.)) >> ), >> parse=TRUE, # parse labels as expressions >> theme=theme.list( >> gpar.corefill=gpar(fill=NA, col=NA), # make bg transparent >> core.just="right") # justification of labels >> ) >> } >> labs <- matrix(, nrow=ncol(x), ncol=ncol(x)) # should be a matrix of >> grid.table() objects >> for(i in 1:ncol(x)) for(j in 1:ncol(x)) labs[i,j] <- info(a.=a[i,j], >> b.=b[i,j], c.=c[i,j]) >> ## splom >> splom(x, superpanel=function(z,...){ >> df=data.frame(rows=as.vector(row(a)), >> columns=as.vector(col(a)), labs=as.vector(labs)) >> df=subset(df,columns<rows) # subset for lower left triangle >> with(df,{ >> panel.text(x=rows, y=columns, labels=labs) >> }) >> panel.pairs(z, upper.panel=panel.splom, >> lower.panel=function(...){}, ...) >> }) >> } >> >> ## generate data >> U <- matrix(runif(3000), ncol=3) >> >> ## build information >> a <- cor(U, method="kendall") >> b <- diag(ncol=3, nrow=3) >> c <- diag(ncol=3, nrow=3) >> >> ## plot with information >> splom2(U, a, b, c) >> >> >> ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.