On 29.03.2011 14:21, Luis Felipe Parra wrote:
Brian and Duncan. Thank you for your help. What I actually am trying to
install is fPortfolioSolver, and symphony is the only package I am missing
in order to be able to complete the installation. Do you know by any chance
what could I do about this?
Try to patch SYMPHONY in a way that it cn be build with the toolchain 
recommended in the manuals. Note that neither the Rsymphony maintainers 
nor the maintainer for Windows binary packages on CRAN succeeded so far.
Uwe Ligges

Thank you
Felipe Parra

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 8:07 PM, Prof Brian Ripley<rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk>wrote:

On Tue, 29 Mar 2011, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

  On 11-03-28 6:41 PM, Luis Felipe Parra wrote:
Duncan I have been trying to work out the solution you gave me but I
haven't really got to sort it out. I tried first the option with install
packages and got this:

  >  filename<- file.choose()
  >  filename
  >  install.packages(filename,  type="source", repos=NULL)
Installing package(s) into ‘C:\Users\Hp\Documents/R/win-library/2.12’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
* installing *source* package 'Rsymphony' ...
ERROR: configuration failed for package 'Rsymphony'

This is the important message.  It says Rsymphony can't be installed on
your system, because you're missing something it needs.  You might get more
information if you run this on the command line, but basically you need to
read the system requirements for the package and follow them. The one I see
when I look at it on CRAN is:

SYMPHONY for Windows (sources included for other OSes)

If you don't have that, then you won't be able to install this package on

And for 32-bit Windows, no one has succeeded in building SYMPHONY with the
current toolchain.  We did succeed with an earlier toolchain, but as
SYMPHONY is a C++ API, that is incompatible.

It is possible to build Rsymphony on 64-bit Windows, using the binary build
of SYMPHONY at http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/Rtools/goodies/Win64No_/
(which needed source modifications).

Duncan Murdoch

  * removing 'C:/Users/Hp/Documents/R/win-library/2.12/Rsymphony'
Mensajes de aviso perdidos
1: running command 'C:\PROGRA~1\R\R-212~1.2/bin/i386/R CMD INSTALL -l
"C:/Users/Hp/Documents/R/win-library/2.12/Rsymphony_0.1-12.tar.gz"' had
status 1
2: In install.packages(filename, type = "source", repos = NULL) :
   installation of package
'C:/Users/Hp/Documents/R/win-library/2.12/Rsymphony_0.1-12.tar.gz' had
non-zero exit status
Then about the CMD window I also tried to use it but I cannot get it to
recognize the command for me. It always tells me "R" it is an
unrecognized command. I am new to all this about tar.gz files and
running commands directly in the CMD windowf, so could you please be
more specific with me. Thank you

Felipe Parra

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 8:47 PM, Duncan Murdoch
<murdoch.dun...@gmail.com<mailto:murdoch.dun...@gmail.com>>  wrote:

    On 28/03/2011 8:04 AM, Luis Felipe Parra wrote:

        Thanks Duncan, I already installed Rtools but I don't know well
        how to sort
        it out. I tried the command you gave me and got the following

         >   install.packages("fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz", type="source",
        Installing package(s) into
        (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
        Aviso: invalid package 'fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz'
        Error: ERROR: no packages specified
        Mensajes de aviso perdidos
        1: running command 'C:\PROGRA~1\R\R-212~1.2/bin/i386/R CMD
        INSTALL -l
        "fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz"' had
        status 1
        2: In install.packages("fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz", type =
        "source",  :
           installation of package 'fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz' had
        non-zero exit status

        Do you know what might be going on or  where I can find a manual
        of how to
        use Rtools? Thank you

    The likely problem is that you didn't give the full path to the
    tar.gz file.  If it is not in the working directory, that
    install.packages command will fail.

    An easy way to get the path is to use

    filename<- file.choose()

    which brings up a Windows dialog; go search for the file, and its
    name will be saved in the filename variable.  Then use
    install.packages(filename,  type="source", repos=NULL).

    Duncan Murdoch

        Felipe Parra
        On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Duncan

         >   On 28/03/2011 7:30 AM, Luis Felipe Parra wrote:
         >>   Hello I have downloaded the fPortfolioSolver package from
        R-forge but I
         >>   have
         >>   not been able to install it. I don't know exactly where I
        should place the
         >>   file and which commands to give R. Could somebody please
        help me with
         >>   this.
         >>   Thank you
         >   A .tar.gz file contains the source for the package, so you
        need to process
         >   it into a binary format to install it.  For simple packages
        you can do this
         >   in recent versions of R using
         >   install.packages("fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz", type="source",
         >   but if it contains compiled code, you'll probably need to
        install tools
         >   first.  See the R Installation and Administration Manual for
        full details;
         >   the tools are downloadable
         >    Once the tools are properly installed, the above line
        should work.
         >   The other way to do it is from a CMD window (not in R),
         >   R CMD INSTALL fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz
         >   This is equivalent to the R command above, but is sometimes
        easier to set
         >   up, because you can easily modify your PATH variable in the
        CMD window.
         >   Duncan


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