Try this:

dif <- na.omit(c(DF$STARTDATE[-1], NA) - DF$ENDDATE)
list(DF$ENDDATE[dif != 1] + 1, DF$ENDDATE[dif != 1] + (dif[dif != 1] - 1))

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 8:56 AM,  <> wrote:
> Good morning,
> I am facing a problem very easy to solve with a program, but not too
> easy (at least IMHO) with a "declarative" approach.
> I have a dataframe df with some information about bank branches with a
> validity time associated (start date/end date, format YYYY-MM-DD) to
> some attributes (for example number of employees assigned).
> The following example will clarify this description:
> B1          A15         30          2001-01-01  2001-10-15
> B1          A15         28          2001-10-16  2001-12-31
> B1          A15         32          2002-01-01  2003-04-18
> B1          A15         33          2003-04-19  2004-12-31
> B1          A15         29          2005-03-01  2010-12-31
> B1          A15         30          2011-02-12  9999-12-31
> ........................................................................
> ........................................................................
> .....................
> I would like to find the "missing time intervals" ("holes" - in the
> example 2005-01-01 to 2005-02-28 and from 2011-01-01 to 2011-02-11).
> The "programmer's way" would be:
> *         Sort the data by "key" + start date
> *         For each occurrence add 1 day to end date and compare the
> result with the start date of the following occurrence
> Can someone help me in finding a "declarative" way to do it ?
> Thank you in advance
> Angelo Linardi
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