On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 09:14:50PM +0000, Kenn Konstabel wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am working with a list of objects each of which contains two POSIXct
> objects (say, $Start and $End) and a number of different data in
> addition to that. Now an easy way to extract Start times of all object
> could be sapply(x, "[", "Start") but this converts them all to
> numeric, and so does sapply(x, "[[", "Start"). lapply preserves the
> class but is obviously a list rather than an atomic vector but using
> unlist is a way of getting rid of the class again. I know the vector
> can be converted back using as.POSIXct and that one can set the class
> attribute back to "POSIXct" but is there an easier trick that I can't
> just figure out? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> ...

As Gabor Grothendieck pointed out to me when I tried to read a value as
numeric, then force it to POSIXct:

| This line in the code above produces an invalid object:
| class(df$time) <- "POSIXct"
| It should be:
| class(df$time) <- c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")

David H. Wolfskill                              r...@catwhisker.org
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