On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Eric Fail <eric.f...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Dear R-list,
> I have a partly comma separated partly underscore separated string that I am 
> trying to parse into R.
> Furthermore I have a bunch of them, and they are quite long. I have now spent 
> most of my Sunday trying to figure this out and thought I would try the list 
> to see if someone here would be able to get me started.
> My data structure looks like this,
> (in a example.txt file)
> Subject ID,ExperimentName,2010-04-23,32:34:23,Version 0.4, 640 by 960  
> pixels, On Device M, M, 
> 3.2.4,zz_373_462_488_...@9z.svg,592,820,3.35,zz_032_288_436_...@9z.svg,332,878,3.66,zz_384_204_433_...@9z.svg,334,824,3.28,zz_365_575_683_...@9z.svg,598,878,3.50,zz_005_480_239_...@9z.svg,630,856,8.03,zz_030_423_394_...@9z.svg,98,846,4.09,zz_033_596_398_...@9z.svg,636,902,3.28,zz_263_064_320_...@9z.svg,570,894,1.26,bl...@9z.svg,322,842,32.96,zz_004_088_403_...@9z.svg,606,908,3.32,zz_703_546_434_...@9z.svg,624,934,2.58,zz_712_348_543_...@9z.svg,20,828,5.36,zz_005_48_239_...@9z.svg,580,830,4.36,zz_310_444_623_...@9z.svg,586,806,0.08,zz_030_423_394_...@9z.svg,350,854,3.84,zz_340_382_539_...@9z.svg,570,894,1.26,bl...@9z.svg,542,840,4.44,zz_345_230_662_...@9z.svg,632,844,2.47,zz_006_335_309_...@9z.svg,96,930,3.63,zz_782_346_746_...@9z.svg,306,850,2.58,zz_334_200_333_...@9z.svg,304,842,3.34,zz_383_506_726_...@9z.svg,622,884,3.84,zz_294_360_448_...@9z.svg,90,858,3.56,zz_334_335_473_...@9z.svg,570,894,1.26,bl...@9z.svg,320,852,4.04,
> (end of example.txt file)
> The above is approximate 5% of the length of a full file, and then I got 
> about 100 of them. Please note that the strings end with a comma.
> I am trying to parse it into something like this
> ID ImgNam BLOCK RUN Tx Ty Treatment x y Y
> Subject ID 373 1 1 462 488 TRT 592 820 3.35
> Subject ID 32 1 2 288 436 CON 332 878 3.66
> Subject ID 384 1 3 204 433 TRT 334 824 3.28
> Subject ID 365 1 4 575 683 TRT 598 878 3.5
> Subject ID 5 1 5 480 239 CON 630 856 8.03
> Subject ID 30 1 6 423 394 CON 98 846 4.09
> Subject ID 33 1 7 596 398 CON 636 902 3.28
> Subject ID 263 1 8 64 320 TRT 570 894 1.26
> Subject ID 4 2 1 88 403 CON 606 908 3.32
> Subject ID 703 2 2 546 434 CON 624 934 2.58
> Subject ID 712 2 3 348 543 CON 20 828 5.36
> Subject ID 5 2 4 48 239 CON 580 830 4.36
> Subject ID 310 2 5 444 623 TRT 586 806 0.08
> Subject ID 30 2 6 423 394 CON 350 854 3.84
> Subject ID 340 2 7 382 539 TRT 570 894 1.26
> Subject ID 345 3 1 230 662 TRT 632 844 2.47
> Subject ID 6 3 2 335 309 CON 96 930 3.63
> Subject ID 782 3 3 346 746 TRT 306 850 2.58
> Subject ID 334 3 4 200 333 TRT 304 842 3.34
> Subject ID 383 3 5 506 726 TRT 622 884 3.84
> Subject ID 294 3 6 360 448 TRT 90 858 3.56
> Subject ID 334 3 7 335 473 TRT 570 894 1.26
> I could do it in Excel, but it would take me a week--and it would be 
> stupid--if someone could please help me get started I would very much 
> appreciate it. It would not only benefit me, but my colleagues would see the 
> benefit of R and the R-list in particular.

Try this.  We split the line by ZZ_ giving s and remove the junk after
the word BLOCK giving s2.  Then we remove @9z.svg giving s3 and
convert each _ to , giving s4.  We then read it into a data frame
using comma as the separator, calculate the block and run columns,
remove one junk column and assign column names.

> Line <- "Subject ID,ExperimentName,2010-04-23,32:34:23,Version 0.4, 640 by 
> 960  pixels, On Device M, M, 
> 3.2.4,zz_373_462_488_...@9z.svg,592,820,3.35,zz_032_288_436_...@9z.svg,332,878,3.66,zz_384_204_433_...@9z.svg,334,824,3.28,zz_365_575_683_...@9z.svg,598,878,3.50,zz_005_480_239_...@9z.svg,630,856,8.03,zz_030_423_394_...@9z.svg,98,846,4.09,zz_033_596_398_...@9z.svg,636,902,3.28,zz_263_064_320_...@9z.svg,570,894,1.26,bl...@9z.svg,322,842,32.96,zz_004_088_403_...@9z.svg,606,908,3.32,zz_703_546_434_...@9z.svg,624,934,2.58,zz_712_348_543_...@9z.svg,20,828,5.36,zz_005_48_239_...@9z.svg,580,830,4.36,zz_310_444_623_...@9z.svg,586,806,0.08,zz_030_423_394_...@9z.svg,350,854,3.84,zz_340_382_539_...@9z.svg,570,894,1.26,bl...@9z.svg,542,840,4.44,zz_345_230_662_...@9z.svg,632,844,2.47,zz_006_335_309_...@9z.svg,96,930,3.63,zz_782_346_746_...@9z.svg,306,850,2.58,zz_334_200_333_...@9z.svg,304,842,3.34,zz_383_506_726_...@9z.svg,622,884,3.84,zz_294_360_448_...@9z.svg,90,858,3.56,zz_334_335_473_...@9z.svg,570,894,1.26,bl...@9z.svg,320,852,4.04,"
> s <- strsplit(Line, "ZZ_")[[1]]
> s2 <- sub("BLOCK.*", "BLOCK", s)
> s3 <- sub("@9z.svg", "", s2)
> s4 <- gsub("_", ",", s3)
> DF <- read.table(textConnection(s4), skip = 1, sep = ",", as.is = TRUE)
> DF$block <- head(cumsum(c("", DF$V8) == "BLOCK")+1, -1)
> DF$run <- ave(DF$block, DF$block, FUN = seq_along)
> DF$V8 <- NULL
> names(DF) <- c("IngNam", "Tx", "Ty", "Treatment", "x", "y", "Y", "BLOCK", 
> "RUN")
> DF
   IngNam  Tx  Ty Treatment   x   y    Y BLOCK RUN
1     373 462 488       TRT 592 820 3.35     1   1
2      32 288 436       CON 332 878 3.66     1   2
3     384 204 433       TRT 334 824 3.28     1   3
4     365 575 683       TRT 598 878 3.50     1   4
5       5 480 239       CON 630 856 8.03     1   5
6      30 423 394       CON  98 846 4.09     1   6
7      33 596 398       CON 636 902 3.28     1   7
8     263  64 320       TRT 570 894 1.26     1   8
9       4  88 403       CON 606 908 3.32     2   1
10    703 546 434       CON 624 934 2.58     2   2
11    712 348 543       CON  20 828 5.36     2   3
12      5  48 239       CON 580 830 4.36     2   4
13    310 444 623       TRT 586 806 0.08     2   5
14     30 423 394       CON 350 854 3.84     2   6
15    340 382 539       TRT 570 894 1.26     2   7
16    345 230 662       TRT 632 844 2.47     3   1
17      6 335 309       CON  96 930 3.63     3   2
18    782 346 746       TRT 306 850 2.58     3   3
19    334 200 333       TRT 304 842 3.34     3   4
20    383 506 726       TRT 622 884 3.84     3   5
21    294 360 448       TRT  90 858 3.56     3   6
22    334 335 473       TRT 570 894 1.26     3   7

Statistics & Software Consulting
GKX Group, GKX Associates Inc.
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