Dear all, Does anyone have any idea on how to speed up the for() loop below. Currently it takes approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Because of the size of Nsim and N, simulating a multivariate normal (instead of simulating Nsim times a vector of N normal distributions) would require too much memory space. Many thanks for your kind help, Simona N=3000 PD=runif(N,0,1) cutoff.=qnorm(PD) rho.=0.1 Nsim=100000 simPD.vec=0*(1:Nsim) systemic = rnorm(Nsim,0,1); for (i in 1:Nsim) { R.vec=sqrt(rho.)*systemic[i]+sqrt(1-rho.)*rnorm(N,0,1) simPD.vec[i]=length(R.vec[R.vec<cutoff.]) }
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