Dear Mike,
thanks a lot for your answer. Unfortunately the way you kindly suggested is
not suitable
to solve my problem.

Indeed as said, I need to display the distances between the proposed trials,
for example I would like to see a 2D plot where I can see how fare is the
trial MT-MT from the trial MT-SW (that is how far are the evaluations of the

audio-visual trial with metal-metal from the trial with metal-snow)

Does anyone have any other suggestion to build such perceptual map in R?

In addition, how can I get some information regarding the significant
between the trials?
If I used the ANOVA would be simple to get those p-values. I wonder if it is
case to use it...



On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Mike Marchywka <>wrote:

> > My first goal in the analysis process is to print a perceptual map where
> to
> > place the pairs of
> > audio-visual stimuli (e.g. WD-WD, MT-DL, etc.) and see how far the trials
> > are from each other.
> I've been using heatmap for stuff like this.
> You can get a nice picture this way and get quick visual
> survey and dendrograms,
> xm<-scan(file="avm.txt")
> str(xm)
> heatmap(xm)
> heatmap(matrix(xm,6,6))
> I ran the above on your data and it visually looks
> like there could be interesting patterns to test.


"Music is a moral law:
It gives a soul to the Universe,
wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination,
a charm to sadness,
and life to everything.
It is the essence of order,
and leads to all that is good,
just and beautiful,
of which it is the invisible,
but nevertheless dazzling,
passionate, and eternal form".

Plato, 400 B.C. (from the Dialogues)

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