All, I would like to apply a set of rules to each row of the sample data set below. The rule sets are the guidelines for determining an individual's date for retirement eligibility. The rules are found in this document, I am only interested in the top two categories for retirement eligibility, the CSRS and FERS plans.
The data set has four variables Date of Birth (DOB), service computation date (srvCompDT), retirement plan (retirePlan), and the age at which the employee entered federal service (ageFedStart). The service computation date is used to compute the date eligible for retirement. The retirement plan indicates what system the employee is enrolled under. The data does contain a few other retirement plans, for now I want to just ignore those plans. I have labeled plans as 1-CSRS and 2-FERS, and 3-Other. My first attempt at applying the rules was through a complex nesting of ifelse statements, this was not very successful and quite difficult to follow. I then wrote a function and tried using "apply" unsuccessfully. The function is shown below. I would like to put a short script or function together that would allow for an efficient application of the rules to each of the employees. I am trying to avoid a loop, because my data set is quite large, and I may need to update my data set regularly and re-run the analysis and reports that will come from this work. Any advice or guidance on building the function or code to apply the rules would be quite helpful. retireHelp <- structure(list(DOB = structure(c(-6642, -5134, -3444, -5598, -4356, 5737, -4894, -1951, -2950, 2467, 6945, 4908, -7930, -7236, -7727, -77, 4158, -7892, -6028, -7132, -5959, 2309, -2494, -3513, -383, -216, -3369, -5861, 3674, -10265, -8986, -5023, -4862, 1526, -1022, 2175, -11790, -278, -7275, -5084, -1842, 430, -2220, -7444, 440, 4285, -7812, 3335, -7271, -6825, -1098, -1670, -10219, -7131, 5963, 704, -7662, 4219, -2813, 5147, -7334, -8223, -5922, -7497, -9276, -1291, -11640, -5631, 518, -7268, -2105, -5901, -690, -8146, -7059, 133, 1176, -6091, -2895, -6020, -4724, -3616, -5059, -8253, -2604, -12400, -4776, -3671, -9326, -7000, -5574, -3248, 4255, -1358, -6255, 8, -7115, -1701, -5227, 9, -517, -8674, -2554, -4069, -2077, -9872, -6534, 2970, -8307, -3020, -1343, -8897, -2304, -7424, 2078, -8274, -5559, -8888, -9262, -8473, -4088, -2429, -8006, -1091, 5015, 2765, 4036, 3101, -3743, 5103, -10018, -12095, -7646, -5966, -6208, -5784, -1325, -4288, -1665, -1409, 4685, -7881, -3413, 2738, -2201, 1217, -5113, 206, -1292, -1725, 10, -2978, -1895, -830, -105, -2395, -3496, -8244, -9956, -6494, -4678, -4077, 575, 2013, -3411, 3824, -4356, 4523, -5836, -6350, -5337, -41, -2001, -6632, -970, -6790, -2828, -4061, 476, 5854, -9648, -4227, 850, 2619, -7747, -2672, 4069, -12618, -6898, -4178, -1772, -1643, -2064, -157, 4551, -8688, -6087, -2040, -7239, -783), format = "m/d/y", origin = structure(c(1, 1, 1970 ), .Names = c("month", "day", "year")), class = c("dates", "times" )), srvCompDT = structure(c(743, 12429, 3585, 4364, 13227, 13578, 13591, 8585, 9587, 13913, 14753, 13247, 2246, 1439, 8845, 7018, 12625, -552, 5688, 7080, 13255, 13549, 12709, 13969, 13997, 9532, 13689, 1226, 13549, 4093, 13423, 13801, 3181, 14809, 13353, 9457, 7745, 8986, 4759, 4486, 6449, 11172, 8669, 3344, 13745, 12275, 5081, 13605, 8006, 3048, 6330, 13521, 5254, 1733, 14095, 8516, 4848, 13521, 5970, 14697, 8291, 139, 11435, 3567, 8961, 5775, 3602, 1409, 11577, 12163, 12258, 13156, 9472, 7963, 1362, 10332, 9557, 3997, 7509, 4691, 3133, 5877, 6782, 11449, 13283, 8040, 11565, 3425, 7860, 1790, 10778, 13199, 12625, 5889, 3317, 9831, 1068, 8040, 7123, 9104, 12836, 7928, 12764, 8922, 5324, -1004, 1806, 10263, 5635, 10310, 5625, 8861, 14613, 3896, 10316, 5725, 12751, 6113, 2997, 112, 5707, 4987, -1018, 8055, 13885, 13073, 14585, 14865, 14935, 14390, 9735, 7654, 4557, 661, 1638, 1112, 14011, 3086, 7032, 13942, 13325, 6735, 13900, 12673, 10148, 14193, 14767, 8447, 6114, 10688, 13544, 7106, 8587, 14753, 7886, 12280, 11946, 13662, 3332, 2108, 13977, 6203, 8369, 13857, 8369, 11486, 8306, 12466, 12639, 7270, 4325, 13843, 14026, 14039, 6147, 7676, 5781, 7038, 9187, 14640, 6174, 11491, 13913, 13787, 13465, 8854, 13152, 1826, 1412, 4317, 5794, 5548, 8951, 12947, 12639, 5345, 5961, 4637, 6465, 13717), format = "m/d/y", origin = structure(c(1, 1, 1970), .Names = c("month", "day", "year")), class = c("dates", "times")), retirePlan = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2), ageFedStart = c(20.22, 48.08, 19.24, 27.27, 48.14, 21.47, 50.61, 28.85, 34.32, 31.34, 21.38, 22.83, 27.86, 23.75, 45.37, 19.43, 23.18, 20.1, 32.08, 38.91, 52.61, 30.77, 41.62, 47.86, 39.37, 26.69, 46.7, 19.4, 27.04, 39.31, 61.35, 51.54, 22.02, 36.37, 39.36, 19.94, 53.48, 25.36, 32.95, 26.2, 22.7, 29.41, 29.81, 29.54, 36.43, 21.88, 35.3, 28.12, 41.83, 27.03, 20.34, 41.59, 42.36, 24.27, 22.26, 21.39, 34.25, 25.47, 24.05, 26.15, 42.78, 22.89, 47.52, 30.29, 49.93, 19.35, 41.73, 19.27, 30.28, 53.2, 39.32, 52.18, 27.82, 44.1, 23.06, 27.92, 22.95, 27.62, 28.48, 29.33, 21.51, 25.99, 32.42, 53.94, 43.5, 55.96, 44.74, 19.43, 47.05, 24.07, 44.77, 45.03, 22.92, 19.84, 26.21, 26.89, 22.4, 26.67, 33.81, 24.9, 36.56, 45.45, 41.94, 35.57, 20.26, 24.28, 22.83, 19.97, 38.17, 36.5, 19.08, 48.62, 46.32, 30.99, 22.55, 38.33, 50.13, 41.07, 33.56, 23.5, 26.82, 20.3, 19.13, 25.04, 24.28, 28.22, 28.88, 32.21, 51.14, 25.43, 54.08, 54.07, 33.41, 18.14, 21.48, 18.88, 41.99, 20.19, 23.81, 42.03, 23.66, 40.02, 47.4, 27.2, 33.81, 35.53, 54.43, 22.56, 20.28, 33.98, 37.05, 27.61, 28.7, 42.66, 21.88, 40.18, 42.28, 59.98, 36.38, 23.55, 51.07, 28.15, 21.34, 32.43, 32.25, 20.98, 34.67, 21.75, 50.58, 37.29, 26.45, 38.01, 43.88, 56.59, 19.49, 39.61, 23.57, 30.39, 23.85, 24.05, 43.32, 43.03, 35.76, 30.58, 58.08, 31.56, 24.87, 39.55, 22.75, 23.26, 20.71, 19.69, 30.16, 35.88, 22.14, 38.42, 32.99, 18.28, 37.52, 39.7)), .Names = c("DOB", "srvCompDT", "retirePlan", "ageFedStart"), row.names = c(NA, 200L), class = "data.frame") rrDT <- function(retSys, ageFedStart, birthDT, serviceCompDT){ if(retSys == "CSRS") { if(ageFedStart < 25) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*55)) else if (ageFedStart >= 25 & ageFedStart < 30) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*30)) else if (ageFedStart >= 30 & ageFedStart < 40) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*60)) else if (ageFedStart >= 40 & ageFedStart < 45) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*20)) else if (ageFedStart >= 45 & ageFedStart < 60) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*65)) else if (ageFedStart >= 60) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*5)) else rtDT <- NA } else if (retSys == "FERS") { if (birthDT < "01/01/53") { if(ageFedStart < 25) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*55)) else if (ageFedStart >= 25 & ageFedStart < 30) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*30)) else if (ageFedStart >= 30 & ageFedStart < 40) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*60)) else if (ageFedStart >= 40 & ageFedStart < 42) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*20)) else if (ageFedStart >= 42 & ageFedStart < 57) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*62)) else if (ageFedStart >= 57) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*5)) else rtDT <- NA } else if (birthDT >= "01/01/53" & birthDT < "01/01/70") { if(ageFedStart < 26) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*56)) else if (ageFedStart >= 27 & ageFedStart < 30) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*30)) else if (ageFedStart >= 30 & ageFedStart < 40) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*60)) else if (ageFedStart >= 40 & ageFedStart < 42) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*20)) else if (ageFedStart >= 42 & ageFedStart < 57) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*62)) else if (ageFedStart >= 57) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*5)) else rtDT <- NA } else if (birthDT >= "01/01/70"){ if(ageFedStart < 27) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*56)) else if (ageFedStart >= 27 & ageFedStart < 30) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*30)) else if (ageFedStart >= 30 & ageFedStart < 40) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*60)) else if (ageFedStart >= 40 & ageFedStart < 42) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*20)) else if (ageFedStart >= 42 & ageFedStart < 57) rtDT <- dates(birthDT+(365.25*62)) else if (ageFedStart >= 57) rtDT <- dates(serviceCompDT+(365.25*5)) else rtDT <- NA } } else rtDT <- NA return(rtDT) } Adrian R. Katschke Data Analytics Specialist Human Capital Program Office Human Resources PH: 317-212-7813 DSN: 699-7813 ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.