Is this what you are trying to do:

> x <- read.table(textConnection("3/23/2010 20:55,  -0.106559999,  
> -0.121454561,  -0.120300002,  -0.111680001,-0.122429997
+ 3/23/2010 21:25,  -0.099166997,  -0.114189997,  -0.112879999,
-0.104647976,-0.114720002"), sep = ',', = TRUE)
> closeAllConnections()
> x
               V1        V2         V3       V4         V5       V6
1 3/23/2010 20:55 -0.106560 -0.1214546 -0.12030 -0.1116800 -0.12243
2 3/23/2010 21:25 -0.099167 -0.1141900 -0.11288 -0.1046480 -0.11472
> str(x)
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ V1: chr  "3/23/2010 20:55" "3/23/2010 21:25"
 $ V2: num  -0.1066 -0.0992
 $ V3: num  -0.121 -0.114
 $ V4: num  -0.12 -0.113
 $ V5: num  -0.112 -0.105
 $ V6: num  -0.122 -0.115
> # convert to POSIXct
> x$V1 <- as.POSIXct(x$V1, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
> x
                   V1        V2         V3       V4         V5       V6
1 2010-03-23 20:55:00 -0.106560 -0.1214546 -0.12030 -0.1116800 -0.12243
2 2010-03-23 21:25:00 -0.099167 -0.1141900 -0.11288 -0.1046480 -0.11472
> str(x)
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ V1: POSIXct, format: "2010-03-23 20:55:00" "2010-03-23 21:25:00"
 $ V2: num  -0.1066 -0.0992
 $ V3: num  -0.121 -0.114
 $ V4: num  -0.12 -0.113
 $ V5: num  -0.112 -0.105
 $ V6: num  -0.122 -0.115

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 3:04 AM, tluedeke <> wrote:
> This is causing me great consternation, and I've spent too much time
> floundering around on it.
> My data is in the form of columns in Excel, with the first column being in
> m/dd/yyyy hh:mm format.  The spreadsheet is complicated (headers, merged
> cells, lines w/o data); so I've tried various ways of exporting the data
> into a text file for the R processing - CSV, spaced, etc.  For example:
> 3/23/2010 20:55  -0.106559999  -0.121454561  -0.120300002  -0.111680001
> -0.122429997
> 3/23/2010 21:25  -0.099166997  -0.114189997  -0.112879999  -0.104647976
> -0.114720002
> .
> .
> - or -
> 3/23/2010 20:55,  -0.106559999,  -0.121454561,  -0.120300002,  -0.111680001,
> -0.122429997
> 3/23/2010 21:25,  -0.099166997,  -0.114189997,  -0.112879999,  -0.104647976,
> -0.114720002
> .
> .
> I can't seem to get R to recognize this data as a time/data column in
> m/dd/yyyy hh:mm format followed by columns of data.  There was a post on an
> analogous topic a couple of years ago, but none of the proposed (and quite
> complicated) solutions seemed to work for me.
> Anyone know how to handle this?
> --
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Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru

What is the problem that you are trying to solve?

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