Thanks, Martin

Now I understand 'standard non-standard evaluation' magic, and the code in
explains how this works.

Still, I can't help but think of this as evil-magic, for which some anti-magic would be extremely useful, so that
a simple function like

my.lm <- function(formula, data, subset, weights, ...) {
    lm(formula, data, subset, weights, ...)

would work as expected. Oh dear, I think I need some syntactic sugar in my coffee!


On 1/6/2011 2:16 PM, Martin Maechler wrote:
Michael Friendly<>
     on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 09:33:25 -0500 writes:
     >  No one replied to this, so I'll try again, with a simple example.  I
     >  calculate a set of log odds ratios, and turn them into a data frame as
     >  follows:

     >>  library(vcdExtra)
     >>  (lor.CM<- loddsratio(CoalMiners))
     >  log odds ratios for Wheeze and Breathlessness by Age

     >  25-29    30-34    35-39    40-44    45-49    50-54    55-59    60-64
     >  3.695261 3.398339 3.140658 3.014687 2.782049 2.926395 2.440571 2.637954
     >>  (lor.CM.df<-
     >  Wheeze Breathlessness   Age      LOR        ASE
     >  1  W:NoW          B:NoB 25-29 3.695261 0.16471778
     >  2  W:NoW          B:NoB 30-34 3.398339 0.07733658
     >  3  W:NoW          B:NoB 35-39 3.140658 0.03341311
     >  4  W:NoW          B:NoB 40-44 3.014687 0.02866111
     >  5  W:NoW          B:NoB 45-49 2.782049 0.01875164
     >  6  W:NoW          B:NoB 50-54 2.926395 0.01585918
     >  7  W:NoW          B:NoB 55-59 2.440571 0.01452057
     >  8  W:NoW          B:NoB 60-64 2.637954 0.02159903

     >  Now I want to fit a linear model by WLS, LOR ~ Age, which can do 
directly as

     >>  lm(LOR ~ as.numeric(Age), weights=1/ASE, data=lor.CM.df)

     >  Call:
     >  lm(formula = LOR ~ as.numeric(Age), data = lor.CM.df, weights = 1/ASE)

     >  Coefficients:
     >  (Intercept)  as.numeric(Age)
     >  3.5850          -0.1376

     >  But, I want to do the fitting in my own function, the simplest version 

     >  my.lm<- function(formula, data, subset, weights) {
     >  lm(formula, data, subset, weights)
     >  }

     >  But there is obviously some magic about formula objects and evaluation
     >  environments, because I don't understand why this doesn't work.

     >>  my.lm(LOR ~ as.numeric(Age), weights=1/ASE, data=lor.CM.df)
     >  Error in model.frame.default(formula = formula, data = data, subset =
     >  subset,  :
     >  invalid type (closure) for variable '(weights)'

Yes, the "magic" has been called "standard non-standard evaluation"
for a while (since August 2002, to be precise),
and the web page has had two
very relevant links since then, namely those mentioned in the
following two lines there:
# Description of the nonstandard evaluation rules in R 1.5.1 and some 
suggestions. (updated). Also an R function and docn for making model frames 
from multiple formulas.

# Notes on model-fitting functions in R, and especially on how to enable all 
the safety features.

For what you want, I think (but haven't tried) the second link, which is
is still very relevant.

Many many people (package authors) had to use something like
that or just directly taken the lm function as an example..
{{ but then probably failed the more subtle points on how to
    program residuals() , predict() , etc functions which you can
    also learn from model-fitting-functions.txt}}

     >  A second question: Age is a factor, and as.numeric(Age) gives me 1:8.

     >  What simple expression on lor.CM.df$Age would give me either the lower
     >  limits (here: seq(25, 60, by = 5)) or midpoints of these Age intervals
     >  (here: seq(27, 62, by = 5))?


   data(CoalMiners, package = "vcd")

here are some variations :

  >  (Astr<- dimnames(CoalMiners)[[3]])
  [1] "25-29" "30-34" "35-39" "40-44" "45-49" "50-54" "55-59" "60-64"
  >  sapply(lapply(strsplit(Astr, "-"), as.numeric), `[[`, 1)
  [1] 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
  >  sapply(lapply(strsplit(Astr, "-"), as.numeric), `[[`, 2)
  [1] 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64
  >  sapply(lapply(strsplit(Astr, "-"), as.numeric), mean)
  [1] 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62

Or use the 2-row matrix and apply(*, 1)  to that :

  >  sapply(strsplit(Astr, "-"), as.numeric)
       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
  [1,]   25   30   35   40   45   50   55   60
  [2,]   29   34   39   44   49   54   59   64

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

Michael Friendly     Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca
Professor, Psychology Dept.
York University      Voice: 416 736-5115 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814
4700 Keele Street    Web:
Toronto, ONT  M3J 1P3 CANADA

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