I would like to plot a linear relationship between variable x and y.
Can anyone help me with scaled plotting and axes so that all data
points can be visualized somehow evenly? Plaint plot(x,y) will
generate condensed points near (0,0) due to several large data
points. Thank you.
c(0.349763, 3.39489, 1.52249, 0.269066, 0.107872, 0.0451689,
0.590268, 0.275755, 0.751845, 1.00599, 0.652409, 2.80664, 0.0269933,
0.137307, 0.282939, 1.23008, 0.436429, 0.0555626, 1.10624, 53,
1.30411, 1.29749, 53, 3.2552, 1.189, 2.23616, 1.13259, 0.505039,
1.05812, 1.18238, 0.500926, 1.0314, 0.733468, 3.13292, 1.26685,
3.10882, 1.01719, 0.13096, 0.0529692, 0.418408, 0.213299, 0.536631,
1.82336, 1.15287, 0.192519, 0.961295, 51, 0.470511, 4.05688,
1.78098, 0.364686, 1.24533)
c(0.423279, 0.473681, 0.629478, 1.09712, 0.396239, 0.273577,
0.303214, 0.628386, 0.465841, 0.687251, 0.544569, 0.635805, 0.358983,
0.16519, 0.366217, 1.08421, 0.668939, 0.181861, 0.782656, 13.3816,
1.15256, 0.965943, 20, 2.86051, 0.304939, 1.94654, 0.967576,
0.647599, 0.520811, 1.27434, 0.363666, 0.93621, 0.544573, 0.696733,
1.0031, 3.78895, 0.694053, 0.289111, 0.178439, 0.746576, 0.391725,
0.363901, 1.20297, 0.461934, 0.364011, 0.691368, 20, 0.81947,
1.69594, 1.56381, 0.900398, 0.960948)