Dear Melissa,

If Jim's solution doesn't work then for some reason your function is converting numerical values into either character or factor and I would suggest you use the colClasses argument to force the right class.

For example,

 mat <- read.table( file="lala.txt", sep="\t", row.names=1, header=T,
                    colClasses=rep("numeric", 4) )

Then do a str(mat) and see what you get.

Regards, Adai

On 29/11/2010 13:02, jim holtman wrote:
Your data seems to read in just fine, so what is the problem you are
trying to solve?

x<- read.table('clipboard', sep='\t', header=TRUE)
'data.frame':   5 obs. of  5 variables:
  $ X     : Factor w/ 5 levels "JE","JM","S",..: 5 2 4 1 3
  $ None  : int  4 4 25 18 10
  $ Light : int  2 3 10 24 6
  $ Medium: int  3 7 12 33 7
  $ Heavy : int  2 4 4 13 2
   X          None          Light        Medium         Heavy
  JE:1   Min.   : 4.0   Min.   : 2   Min.   : 3.0   Min.   : 2
  JM:1   1st Qu.: 4.0   1st Qu.: 3   1st Qu.: 7.0   1st Qu.: 2
  S :1   Median :10.0   Median : 6   Median : 7.0   Median : 4
  SE:1   Mean   :12.2   Mean   : 9   Mean   :12.4   Mean   : 5
  SM:1   3rd Qu.:18.0   3rd Qu.:10   3rd Qu.:12.0   3rd Qu.: 4
         Max.   :25.0   Max.   :24   Max.   :33.0   Max.   :13

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Melissa Waldman
<>  wrote:

I have been working with Program R for my stats class and I keep coming upon
the same error, I have read so many sites about inputting data from a text
file into R and I'm using the data to do a correspondence analysis.  I feel
like I have read everything and it is still not explaining why the error
message keeps coming up, I have used the exact examples I have seen in
articles and the same error keeps popping up: Error in sum(N) : invalid
'type' (character) of argument

I have spent sooooooooooooo long trying to figure this out without success,
I am sure it has to do with the fact that my rows have names in them.  I
have attached the text file I have been using and if you have any ideas as
to how I can get R to plot the data using correspondence analysis with the
column and row names that would be really helpful!  Or if you could pass
this email to someone who may know how to help me, that would be much

Thank you,
Melissa Waldman

my email:

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