Dear Bernhard: 

      Thanks very much.  Unless you object, I shall add it to the 
'FinTS' library as "ArchTest" (comparable to the S-PLUS Finmetrics 
'archTest' function) -- with a worked example in '\scripts\ch03.R'. 

      Best Wishes,

Pfaff, Bernhard Dr. wrote:
> Dear All,
> one can visually inspect ARCH-effects by plotting acf/pacf of the
> squared residuals from an OLS-estimation. This can be as simple as a
> demeaned series. Further one can run an auxiliary regression by
> regressing q lagged squared values and a constant on the squared series
> itself. This test statistic (N-q)*R^2 is distributed as chisq with q
> degrees of freedom.  
> Something along the lines:
> archlmtest <- function (x, lags, demean = FALSE) 
> {
>   x <- as.vector(x)
>   if(demean) x <- scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
>     lags <- lags + 1
>     mat <- embed(x^2, lags)
>     arch.lm <- summary(lm(mat[, 1] ~ mat[, -1]))
>     STATISTIC <- arch.lm$r.squared * length(resid(arch.lm))
>     names(STATISTIC) <- "Chi-squared"
>     PARAMETER <- lags - 1
>     names(PARAMETER) <- "df"
>     PVAL <- 1 - pchisq(STATISTIC, df = PARAMETER)
>     METHOD <- "ARCH LM-test"
>     result <- list(statistic = STATISTIC, parameter = PARAMETER, 
>         p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD, =
> deparse(substitute(x)))
>     class(result) <- "htest"
>     return(result)
> }
> should work and yield equal results as mentioned earlier in this thread.
> Best,
> Bernhard
>> Spencer,
>> The warning message is sent from VAR, it basically lets you 
>> know that the
>> data it used had no column names and it had to supply them 
>> using y1, y2, y3,
>> etc. It can be suppressed by including options(warn=-1) in the 
>> function.
>> Anyway, it seems that the p value from my function does not match
>> FinMetrics'. I guess the function doesn't work... hmm...
>> On 2/2/08, Spencer Graves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Dear Tom:
>>>      Your revised function eliminates the discrepancy in the 
>> degrees of
>>> freedom but is still very different from the numbers reports 
>> on Tsay, p.
>>> 102:
>>> archTest(log(1+as.numeric(m.intc7303)), lag=12)
>>>    ARCH test (univariate)
>>> data:  Residual of y1 equation
>>> Chi-squared = 13.1483, df = 12, p-value = 0.3584
>>> Warning message:
>>> In VAR(s, p = 1, type = "const") :
>>> No column names supplied in y, using: y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8,
>>> y9, y10, y11, y12 , instead.
>>>      TOM:  What can you tell me about the warning message?
>>>      Thanks for your help with this.
>>>      Spencer Graves
>>> tom soyer wrote:
>>>> Spencer,
>>>> Sorry, I forgot that the default lag in arch is 16. Here 
>> is the fix. Can
>>> you
>>>> try it again and see if it gives the correct (or at least similar
>>> compared
>>>> to a true LM test) result?
>>>> archTest=function(x, lags=12){
>>>>  #x is a vector
>>>>  require(vars)
>>>>  s=embed(x,lags)
>>>>  y=VAR(s,p=1,type="const")
>>>>  result=arch(y,lags.single=lags,multi=F)$arch.uni[[1]]
>>>>  return(result)
>>>> }
>>>> Thanks and sorry about the bug.
>>>> On 2/2/08, Spencer Graves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Tom, Bernhard, Ruey:
>>>>>      I can't get that to match Tsay's example, but I have other
>>>>> questions about that.
>>>>>      1.  I got the following using Tom's 'archTest' 
>> function (below):
>>>>>> archTest(log(1+as.numeric(m.intc7303)), lags=12)
>>>>>    ARCH test (univariate)
>>>>> data:  Residual of y1 equation
>>>>> Chi-squared = 10.8562, df = 16, p-value = 0.8183
>>>>> Warning message:
>>>>> In VAR(s, p = 1, type = "const") :
>>>>> No column names supplied in y, using: y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, 
>> y6, y7, y8,
>>>>> y9, y10, y11, y12 , instead.
>>>>>           ** First note that the answer has df = 16, even though I
>>>>> supplied lags = 12.
>>>>>      2.  For (apparently) this example, S-Plus FinMetrics 
>> 'archTest'
>>>>> function returned "Test for ARCH Effects:  LM Test.  Null 
>> Hypothesis:
>>>>> no ARCH effects.  Test Stat 43.5041, p.value 0.0000.  
>> Dist. under Null:
>>>>> chi-square with 12 degrees of freedom".
>>>>>      3.  Starting on p. 101, Ruey mentioned "the Lagrange 
>> multiplier
>>>>> test of Engle (1982)", saying "This test is equivalent to 
>> the usual F
>>>>> test for" no regression, but refers it to a chi-square, not an F
>>>>> distribution.  Clearly, there is a gap here, because the 
>> expected value
>>>>> of the F distribution is close to 1 [d2/(d2-2), where d2 
>> = denominator
>>>>> degrees of freedom;],
>>> while
>>>>> the expected value for a chi-square is the number of 
>> degrees of freedom
>>>>>      Unfortunately, I don't feel I can afford the time to 
>> dig into this
>>>>> further right now.
>>>>>      Thanks for your help.
>>>>>      Spencer Graves
>>>>> tom soyer wrote:
>>>>>> Spencer, how about something like this:
>>>>>> archTest=function (x, lags= 16){
>>>>>>  #x is a vector
>>>>>>  require(vars)
>>>>>>  s=embed(x,lags)
>>>>>>  y=VAR(s,p=1,type="const")
>>>>>>  result=arch(y,multi=F)$arch.uni[[1]]
>>>>>>  return(result)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> can you, or maybe Bernhard, check and see whether this 
>> function gives
>>>>>> the correct result?
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> On 2/1/08, *Spencer Graves* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>>>     Hi, Tom:
>>>>>>          The 'arch' function in the 'vars' package is 
>> supposed to be
>>>>> able
>>>>>>     to do that.  Unfortunately, I was unable to make it 
>> work for a
>>>>>>     univariate series.  Bernhard Pfaff, the author of 
>> 'vars', said
>>>>>>     that if I
>>>>>>     read the code for 'arch', I could easily retrieve 
>> the necessary
>>>>> lines
>>>>>>     and put them in my own function;  I have not so far 
>> found the time
>>>>> to
>>>>>>     try that.  If you do, or if you get a better answer 
>> than this,
>>>>>>     would you
>>>>>>     please let me know?  I would like to have this 
>> capability for the
>>>>>>     'FinTS' package, and I would happily write a help 
>> page if someone
>>>>>>     would
>>>>>>     contribute the function -- or use a function in another
>>>>> package.  Tsay
>>>>>>     (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. 
>> (Wiley) includes
>>>>> an
>>>>>>     example on p. 103 that could be used for a reference.
>>>>>>          Hope this helps.
>>>>>>          Spencer Graves
>>>>>>     tom soyer wrote:
>>>>>>     > Hi,
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>>     > Does anyone know if R has a Lagrange multiplier 
>> (LM) test for
>>> ARCH
>>>>>>     > effects for univariant time series?
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>>     > Thanks!
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Tom
>> -- 
>> Tom
>>      [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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