Dear Claudio,

hard to tell without further information, but I reckon that you:

1) have a secondary library in use
2) have installed the packages 'vars' **and** 'MASS' installed into this 
secondary library

If so, remove the package 'MASS' from this secondary library (it's shipped in 
the standard library in your R installation already). Hint: check whether you 
have installed other recommended packages into your secondary library and if 
so, remove these, too. Otherwise you migt encounter the same problem with 
packages that do depend on the ones that are already shipped in the primary 
library of your R installation.

This all is just a guess, because you have not provided enough information to 
diagnose further.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [] Im 
Auftrag von Claudio Shikida (???? ?????)
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010 10:19
Betreff: [R] package vars doesn´t working


I was using R (v.2.11.1, 32 bits) and I did the upgrade to R (v.2.12.0, 64 
bits). I followed the instructions in Rs FAQ (Whats the best way to upgrade, 
question 2.8) and updated my packages. However, now, I cant use the library 
"vars". When I call it, there is an error message concerning the package "MASS" 
which couldnt be updated because it seems to be no more available in Rs 

Is this a problem with "vars"? Maybe it will have to be updated soon with no 
more need to ask for "MASS"? Is there another way to invoke "vars"?

Thanks for your time and attention

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