Hi R-users,


I have a problem running my R code on a Linux cluster. What I did was
write a .pbs file to instruct the cluster on what to do and how:




#PBS -m ae

#PBS -M uqlca...@uq.edu.au

#PBS -A uq-CSER 

#PBS -N job1_lollo

#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:NodeType=fast:mem=8GB

#PBS -l walltime=999:00:00





source /usr/share/modules/init/bash


module load R/2.11.1




The .pbs file calls a .sh file, which is located on my home directory on
the cluster, and which contains the R script (enclosed in " ") to run




echo " mat <- matrix(1:12,nrow=3,ncol=4)


diagonal <- diag(mat)


write.csv(diagonal, file = "diagonal.csv") 


" > R_tmp


echo 'source("R_tmp")' | R --vanilla --slave

rm R_tmp


However the cluster sends back to me an error message saying: 


Error in write.table(diagonal, file = diagonal.csv, col.names = NA, sep
= ",",  : 

  object 'diagonal.csv' not found

Calls: source ... write.csv -> eval.parent -> eval -> eval ->

Execution halted


The write.csv command worked on the R consol on my computer, so I don't
know what is the problem here.


Thanks in advance for your help



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