Dear R Group
I am not sure if this is the right forum to raise this query, but i would 
rather give it a try and aim for reaching the right person who might be a 
part of this group who can help.
I have a query on interpretation of PartialPlot in package randomForest. 
In my earlier queries in this regard, I probably did not give sufficient 
explanation to elicit the intended details in the explanations being 
provided.. Hence I am resending the query with examples and bit more 

In a scenario where a set of continuous variables vs a class response is 
being modeled by RF, say the iris example.. 
using the following code, how do I interpret the partial plot that is 

iris.rf <- randomForest(Species~., iris)
partialPlot(iris.rf, iris, Sepal.Length, "setosa")

How is the  y-axis values to be understood?

A straight forward Textual interpretation of the output  from the experts 
in this area, would help me understand this concept of marginal effect 
being plotted for the variable "Sepal.Length" on the which.class=setosa.

Thanks for your help.

Vijayan Padmanabhan

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