Thank you, this has been really helpful, I think I have managed to produce the desired effect.
However, I am having trouble with generating and passing subscripts from the main xyplot call to panel.superpose. My code resembles the examples (e.g. pp 71-73) in your 2008 book --- though I cannot refer to generic variable names "x", "y" or "groups" in panel (and panel. functions) within xyplot either, so the problem need not be with subscripts. If you could have a look, I paste my entire function below to be "almost functional," but the problem is relatively straightforward, around the end in the panel call. Thank you again, Laszlo scatter_contrast <- function(depvar,bins,cutvar,cutvarname = NULL, yvarlab = NULL,xvarlab = NULL,nbins=20,maxbins=100,yrange=c(0,99999),plottitle=NULL,legendtitle=NULL) { library('lattice') library('grid') trellis.par.set( plot.symbol = list(cex = 1.5,col=rgb(26,71,111,max=255)), superpose.symbol = list(cex = rep(1, times=7),pch=c(15:21),col=c(rgb(26,71,111,max=255), rgb(144,53,59,max=255),rgb(85,117,47,max=255),"#ff0000","orange","#00ff00","brown"),fill=c(rgb(26,71,111,max=255), rgb(144,53,59,max=255),rgb(85,117,47,max=255),"#ff0000","orange","#00ff00","brown")), plot.line = list(cex = 1,lwd=2,col=rgb(26,71,111,max=255)), superpose.line = list(cex = rep(1, times=7),lwd=rep(2,times=7),col=c(rgb(26,71,111,max=255), rgb(144,53,59,max=255),rgb(85,117,47,max=255),"#ff0000","orange","#00ff00","brown")), reference.line = list(col=rgb(234,242,243,max=255)), add.line = list(rgb(85,117,47,max=255),lwd=2), = list(col="black"),#rgb(234,242,243,max=255)), superpose.polygon = list(col="black"),#rgb(234,242,243,max=255)), fontsize = list(text=16), par.xlab.text = list(cex = 0.8), par.ylab.text = list(cex = 0.8), ) if (length(unique(bins))>maxbins) bins <- binning(bins,nbins) temp <- summary(cutvar) cut <- 1*(cutvar > temp[3]) if (length(unique(!<6) cut <- cutvar legval1 <- names(data.frame(cutvar)) xl <- names(data.frame(bins)) leg <- paste(unique(sort(cut))) legval2 <- leg[1:(length(unique(leg))-1)] if (length(na.omit(cutvar)) == length(cutvar)) legval2 <- leg ht <- depvar[[1]] if ( ht <- 0 if (ht == "hist") { bins <- replace(bins,bins>quantile(bins,0.99),quantile(bins,0.99)) bins <- replace(bins,bins<quantile(bins,0.05),quantile(bins,0.05)) mes <- aggregate(matrix(1,length(bins),1),list(bins,cut),sum,na.rm = TRUE) cnt <- aggregate(matrix(1,length(bins),1),list(cut),sum,na.rm = TRUE) mes$x <- mes$V1 mes$V1 <- NULL mes <- merge(mes,cnt,by.x = "Group.2",by.y = "Group.1") mes$x <- mes$x/mes$V1 } else {mes <- aggregate(depvar,list(bins,cut),mean,na.rm = TRUE)} if (yrange[2] == 99999) { ran <- (max(mes$x)- min(mes$x))*0.1 yrange = c(min(mes$x)-ran,max(mes$x)+ran)} xyplot(x ~ Group.1,groups = Group.2,data = mes, subscripts =TRUE,type = "p", auto.key = list(cex=0.7,cex.title=0.7,title=legendtitle,space = "bottom",points = FALSE,lines=TRUE,columns=2), xlab = xvarlab, ylab = yvarlab,ylim=yrange, aspect="fill", panel = function(..., subscripts) { panel.grid(h = -1, v = 0) panel.xyplot(...) panel.superpose(bins,depvar,subscripts,groups = cutvar,type="nr") panel.axis(side = "left", outside = TRUE,tck = -1, line.col = 1) panel.axis(side = "bottom", outside = TRUE,tck = -1, line.col = 1)}, main = plottitle, par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent")), axis = function(side, ...) { if (side == "left") { grid.lines(x = c(0, 0), y = c(0, 1),default.units = "npc",gp=gpar(col='black')) } else if (side == "bottom") { grid.lines(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 0),default.units = "npc",gp=gpar(col='black')) } axis.default(side = side, ...) } ) } 2010/7/7 Deepayan Sarkar <>: > 2010/7/5 László Sándor <>: >> Hi all, >> >> Back in 2007, Deepayan and Patrick had an exchange about how to modify >> axes for lattice plots (pasted below). I need something similar, but I >> also need to produce ticks on the axes. Deepayan quickly coded up >> substitute gridlines because they needed to make the default box >> transparent. The code works, but it lacks the ticks, and I could not >> google up how to add them. >> >> (I would be taken aback if you could even help me but this option into >> a theme for the latticeExtra package -- the grid options there do not >> seem to allow left and bottom axes at the same time. Not even >> asTheEconomist command, though I thought I have seen plot with >> "bty="l" " in The Economist...) >> >> I understand that panels in lattice were not intended for such use >> originally, but for many advanced features of the lattice package, my >> team wants to use this. The specific goal would be to produce graphs >> in R like those here: >> . >> >> Any help would be greatly appreciated. > > The first step would be > > xyplot(1:10 ~ 1:10, par.settings=list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent")), > scales = list(col = "black", tck = c(1, 0))) > > You can then add the sides in the panel function (or axis function). > > -Deepayan > ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.