Hi: I am practicing with the attached shapefile and was wondering if I can get some help. Haven't used 'rgdal' and 'maptools' much but it appears to be a great way bring map data into R. Please take a look at the comments and let me know if I need to explain better what I am trying to accomplish.
library(rgdal) library(maptools) library(ggplot2) dsn="C:/Documents and Settings/fcarrillo/Desktop/Software/R Scripts and Datasets/NCTC/Data Analisys II/Data 4 Data Analysis II March 2009- March2010/Data" wolves.map <- readOGR(dsn=dsn, layer="PNW_wolf_habitat_grid") class(wolves.map) dim(wolves.map) head(wolves.map,1) names(wolves.map) gpclibPermit() wolves.ds <- fortify(wolves.map) head(wolves.ds);tail(wolves.ds) # Shapefile of 5 states wolves.plot <- ggplot(wolves.ds,aes(long,lat,group=group)) + geom_polygon(colour='white',fill='lightblue') wolves.plot # How to show the state borders of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming on map? # Subset from wolves to create a logistic regression model based on WOLVES_99 and then apply to all the 5 states # Remove the WOLVES_99 2(two value) and use "one" for presence and "zero" for absence to end up with 153 records. #wolfsub<-subset(wolves,subset=!(WOLVES_99==2)) #wolfsub <- subset(wolves.map,WOLVES_99!=2) wolfsub <- wolves.map[!wolves.map$WOLVES_99 %in% 2,];wolfsub dim(wolfsub) # 42 = Forest, 51 = Shrub, > 81 = Agriculture wolfsub$Forest<-ifelse(wolfsub$MAJOR_LC==42,1,0) wolfsub$Shrub<-ifelse(wolfsub$MAJOR_LC==51,1,0) wolfsub$Agriculture<-ifelse(wolfsub$MAJOR_LC>81,1,0) names(wolfsub);dim(wolfsub) # create the model mod1<-glm(WOLVES_99~RD_DENSITY+Forest+Shrub +Agriculture,family=binomial,data=wolfsub) summary(mod1) wolfsub$pred99<-fitted(mod1) names(wolfsub) #fitted(mod1) wolfsub$pred99 # Add the wolfsub data to the map to see the map wolfsub <- fortify(wolfsub);names(wolfsub) area_mod <- wolves.plot + geom_polygon(data=wolfsub,aes(fill=????)) #Want to fill by WOLVES_99 but is gone #after fortify area_mod #Not sure how to proceed from here to fit the 'mod1' model to all #the 5 states. > >From: Tom Hopper <tomhop...@gmail.com> >To: Felipe Carrillo <mazatlanmex...@yahoo.com> >Sent: Tue, June 22, 2010 9:40:19 PM >Subject: Re: Plotting Data on a Map > >Felipe, > > >I am just learning these tools, too, so it may be a good learning opportunity >for both of us. Please send me the files and I will try to put it together and >plot it. > > >Regards, > > >Tom > > >On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:57 PM, Felipe Carrillo <mazatlanmex...@yahoo.com> >wrote: > >Hi Tom: >>I am just starting to use rgdal and maptools but I have a long way to go. I >>went to a training >>a couple of weeks ago and the instructor showed us a csv file and a shapefile >>with wolf data from >>a national park in the midwest. I am trying to put all of the csv data and >>some predicted data >>on a map using ggplot2 but I am stuck with it. I am just trying to do this >>example because I want to >>see if I can apply this example to fish. Let me know if interested. >> >> >>Felipe D. Carrillo >>Supervisory Fishery Biologist >>Department of the Interior >>US Fish & Wildlife Service >>California, USA >> >> >> >>> >>>From: Tom Hopper <tomhop...@gmail.com> >>>To: ggpl...@googlegroups.com >>>Sent: Mon, June 21, 2010 2:27:14 PM >>>Subject: Re: Plotting Data on a Map >>> >>> >>>Hadley, >>> >>> >>>Thank you! >>> >>> >>>I doing this, I've encountered an encountered and unexpected difference >>>between the graphs on my Mac and my Windows machines. It appears that there >>>is a default setting different between the two programs. >>> >>> >>>Using the same commands on both Mac and Windows, I found that the polygon >>>borders are plotted on the Mac, but not on Windows, so on the Mac I see the >>>country borders, but on Windows I do not. On the Mac, it looks like the >>>default for geom_polygon is something like size = 0.01, colour = "gray50". >>>On Windows, it's more like colour = alpha("gray50", 0), though in fact the >>>visibility of polygon borders seems to be independent of both the size and >>>colour settings. >>> >>> >>>Regards, >>> >>> >>>Tom >>> >>> >>>On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 3:00 AM, Hadley Wickham <had...@rice.edu> wrote: >>> >>>Hi Tom, >>>> >>>>Thanks for contribution! Ploting map data is never easy and its always >>>>nice to see a success story. >>>> >>>>Hadley >>>> >>>> >>>>On Saturday, June 19, 2010, Tom Hopper <tomhop...@gmail.com> wrote: >>>>> Well, it turns out that, in my haste to thank Fernando, I posted code >>>>> with some typos. I have also had a chance to test it on my Mac, and found >>>>> that fortify() was throwing an error ("Error in nchar(ID) : invalid >>>>> multibyte string 1"). I have added a call, currently commented out, to >>>>> Sys.setlocale() to fix this. I have tested the code below under R 2.11.1 >>>>> on both Windows XP and Mac OS X 10.5.8, with the latest packages >>>>> installed. In fact, the plot looks better in the Mac Quartz window. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Sorry for the previous errors. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # Download electricity generation data from >>>>> http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/cfapps/ipdbproject/iedindex3.cfm?tid=2&pid=2&aid=12&cid=&syid=2004&eyid=2008&unit=BKWH >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # Download new map data from >>>>> http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/world_borders.php >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # Bring the thematicmapping data into R >>>>> library("rgdal") >>>>> world.map <- readOGR(dsn="C:/", layer="TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3") >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # Save the map data as an R object >>>>> save(world.map, "worldmap.rdata") >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # As needed, reload the data >>>>> library(maptools) >>>>> gpclibPermit() >>>>> load("worldmap.rdata") >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # Prepare the world.map data for ggplot2 >>>>> library(ggplot2) >>>>> # On some setups, fortify throws "Error in nchar(ID)" >>>>> # in that case, use setlocale >>>>> # Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", locale = "C") >>>>> world.ggmap <- fortify(world.map, region = "NAME") >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # Load the electricity generation data and clean it up to match with >>>>> world.ggmape >>>>> elect.gen.tot <- >>>>> read.csv("Total_Electricity_Net_Generation_(Billion_Kilowatthours).csv", >>>>> sep = ",", dec = ".") >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> names(elect.gen.tot) <- c("id", "y2004", "y2005", "y2006", "y2007", >>>>> "y2008") >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # make sure the id column is in the same case for both sets >>>>> elect.gen.tot$id <- tolower(elect.gen.tot$id) >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> world.ggmap$id <- tolower(world.ggmap$id) >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # merge the two data sets >>>>> world.ggmape <- merge(world.ggmap, elect.gen.tot, by = "id", all = TRUE) >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> world.ggmape <- world.ggmape[order(world.ggmape$order), ] >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # NOTE: at this point, the electricity data country names do not match >>>>> 100% >>>>> # with the thematicmapping country names (column "id"). >>>>> # print out the country names using >>>>> # table(world.ggmape$id) >>>>> # and do a search for values of 1. Then find the corresponding country >>>>> # name with values > 1 and rename the country names in the electricity >>>>> # generation data to match (e.g. "Tanzania" becomes "united republic of >>>>> # tanzania"). >>>>> # Once this data cleaning operation is complete, repeat the above steps >>>>> # starting with reading data into elect.gen.tot. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> # Plot the data using ggplot2 >>>>> world.plot <- ggplot(data = world.ggmape, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = >>>>> group)) >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> world.plot + geom_polygon(aes(fill = y2007)) + labs(x = "Longitude", y = >>>>> "Latitude", fill = "TWh") + opts(title = "Net Electricity Generation in >>>>> TWh for 2007\nData from EIA International Energy Statistics, 2008") >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Tom Hopper <tomhop...@gmail.com> wrote: >>>>> Fernando, >>>>> >>>>> That worked perfectly; thank you! >>>>> >>>>> There were some mismatches in the country names, as you noted, but after >>>>> cleaning up the electricity generation data everything looks great. I've >>>>> updated the electricity generation data with the cleaned version and >>>>> posted a graph to box.net. >>>>> the graph: http://www.box.net/tomhopper/1/22918943/452739712 >>>>> >>>>> Below, for reference, is the complete R code. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, and best regards, >>>>> >>>>> Tom >>>>> >>>>> # Download electricity generation data from >>>>> http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/cfapps/ipdbproject/iedindex3.cfm?tid=2&pid=2&aid=12&cid=&syid=2004&eyid=2008&unit=BKWH >>>>> # Download new map data from >>>>> http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/world_borders.php >>>>> >>>>> # Bring the thematicmapping data into R >>>>> library(maptools) >>>>> gpclibPermit() >>>>> library("rgdal") >>>>> world.map <- readOGR(dsn="C:/", layer="TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3") >>>>> >>>>> # Save the map data as an R object for later use >>>>> save(world.map, "worldmap.rdata") >>>>> >>>>> # As needed, reload the data >>>>> # load("worldmap.rdata") >>>>> >>>>> # Prepare the world.map data for ggplot2 >>>>> library(ggplot2) >>>>> world.ggmap <- fortify(world.map, region = "NAME") >>>>> >>>>> # Load the electricity generation data and clean it up to match with >>>>> world.ggmape >>>>> elect.gen.tot <- >>>>> read.csv("Total_Electricity_Net_Generation_(Billion_Kilowatthours).csv", >>>>> sep = ",", dec = ".") >>>>> names(elect) <- c("id", "y2004", "y2005", "y2006", "y2007", "y2008") >>>>> >>>>> elect.gen.tot$id <- tolower(elect.gen.tot$id) >>>>> >>>>> # merge the two data sets >>>>> world.ggmape <- merge(world.ggmap, elect.gen.tot, by = "id", all = TRUE) >>>>> world.ggmape <- world.ggmape[order(world.ggmape$order), ] >>>>> >>>>> # NOTE: at this point, the electricity data country names may not match >>>>> 100% >>>>> # with the thematicmapping country names (column "id"). >>>>> # print out the country names using >>>>> # table(world.ggmape$id) >>>>> # and do a search for values of 1. Then find the corresponding country >>>>> # name with values > 1 and rename the country names in the electricity >>>>> # generation data to match (e.g. "Tanzania" becomes "United Republic of >>>>> # Tanzania"). >>>>> # Once this data cleaning operation is complete, repeat the above steps >>>>> # starting with reading data into elect.gen.tot. >>>>> >>>>> # Plot the data using ggplot2 >>>>> world.plot <- ggplot(data = world, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) >>>>> world.plot + geom_polygon(aes(fill = y2007)) + >>>>> labs(x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude", fill = "TWh") + >>>>> opts(title = "Net Electricity Generation in TWh for 2007\nData from >>>>> EIA International Energy Statistics, 2008") >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:10 AM, fernando <fgtabo...@gmail.com> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Hi Tom, >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> I think fortify can help you in translating the sp object to a >>>>> data.frame. Then you can use merge to join the two tables. The code bellow >>>>> illustrates this, although I think there are some problems in matching >>>>> country >>>>> names. Another issue is that if you add coord_map(), something strange >>>>> happens >>>>> with Antarctica (maybe a problem in shapefile order?). >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>> >>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the ggplot2 >>>>> mailing list. >>>>> Please provide a reproducible example: http://gist.github.com/270442 >>>>> >>>>> To post: email ggpl...@googlegroups.com >>>>> To unsubscribe: email ggplot2+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com >>>>> More options: http://groups.google.com/group/ggplot2 >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>-- >>>>Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair >>>>Department of Statistics / Rice University >>>>http://had.co.nz/ >>>> >>>-- >>> >>>You received this message because you are subscribed to the ggplot2 mailing >>>list. >>>Please provide a reproducible example: http://gist.github.com/270442 >>> >>>To post: email ggpl...@googlegroups.com >>>To unsubscribe: email ggplot2+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com >>>More options: http://groups.google.com/group/ggplot2 >>> >> > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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