Another question:

Is it possible to make 3-variable cross tabulations (I mean, plus another
dichotomous variable), such as 2*3*3, 3*2*3, or 3*3*2? Can we do it in
similar ways as just 2-variables?

Thank you very much!


Charles C. Berry wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jan 2008, AndyZon wrote:
>> Thank you so much, Chuck!
>> This is brilliant, I just tried some dichotomous variables, it was really
>> fast.
> Yes, and if you are on a multicore system with multithreaded linear 
> algebra, crossprod() will distribute the job across the cores making the 
> elapsed time shorter (by almost half on my Core 2 Duo MacBook as long as I 
> have nothing else gobbling up CPU cycles)!
>> Most categorical variables I am interested in are 3 levels, they are
>> actually SNPs, I want to look at their interactions. My question is:
>> after
>> generating 0-1 codings, like 00, 01, 10, how should I use "crossprod()"?
>> Should I just apply this function on these 2*n columns (originally I have
>> n
>> variables), and then operate on the generated cell counts?
> If I followed you here, and you have ONLY those three categories, then 
> yes.
> Try a test case with perhaps 3 SNPs and a few subjects. Table the results 
> the old fashioned way via table() or xtabs() or even by hand. Then look at 
> what crossprod( } gives you.
> ---
> If '11' shows up you'll have to use a 'contr.treatment' style 
> approach. ( run 'example( contrasts )' and look at what is going on).
> Guess what these give:
>       contrasts( factor( c( "00","01","10" ) ) )
>       contrasts( factor( c( "00","01","10","11" ) ) )
> then run them if you have trouble seeing why '11' changes the picture.
> ---
> BTW, what I said (below) suggests that crossprod() returns integer 
> values, but its storage.mode is actually "double".
> HTH,
> Chuck
> I am confused
>> about this.
>> Your input will be greatly appreciated.
>> Andy
>> Charles C. Berry wrote:
>>> On Wed, 9 Jan 2008, AndyZon wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a huge number of categorical variables, say at least 10000, and
>>>> I
>>>> put
>>>> them into a matrix, each column is one variable. The question is: how
>>>> can
>>>> I
>>>> make all of the pairwise cross tabulation tables efficiently? The
>>>> straightforward solution is to use for-loops by looping two indexes on
>>>> the
>>>> table() function, but it was just too slow. Is there a more efficient
>>>> way
>>>> to
>>>> do that? Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.
>>> The totals are merely the crossproducts of a suitably constructed binary
>>> (zero-one) matrix is used to encode the categories. See
>>> '?contr.treatment'
>>> if you cannot grok 'suitably constructed'.
>>> If the categories are all dichotomies coded as 0:1, you can use
>>>     res <- crossprod( dat )
>>> to find the totals for the (1,1) cells
>>> If you need the full tables, you can get them from the marginal totals
>>> using
>>>     diag( res )
>>> to get the number in each '1' margin and
>>>     nrow(dat)
>>> to get the table total from which the numbers in each '0' margin by
>>> subtracting the corresponding '1' margin.
>>> With dichotomous variables, dat has 10000 columns and you will only need
>>> 10000^2 integers or about 0.75 Gigabytes to store the 'res'. And it
>>> takes
>>> about 20 seconds to run 1000 rows on my MacBook. Of course, 'res' has a
>>> redundant triangle
>>> This approach generalizes to any number of categories:
>>> To extend this to more than two categories, you will need to do for each
>>> such column what model.matrix(~factor( dat[,i] ) ) does by default
>>> ( using 'contr.treatment' ) - construct zero-one codes for all but one
>>> (reference) category.
>>> Note that with 10000 trichotomies, you will have a result with
>>>     10000^2 * ( 3-1 )^2
>>> integers needing about 3 Gigabytes, and so on.
>>> HTH,
>>> Chuck
>>> p.s. Why on Earth are you doing this????
>>>> Andy
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