On Jan 4, 2008 6:21 PM, Andrea Previtali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, I realized that somehow the message got truncated. Here is the
> remaining part of the SAS output:
> Solutions for Fixed Effects:
> Effect           DIST DW  ELI  SEX  SEAS              Estimate   Std. Error
> DF  t Value  Pr > |t|
> Intercept                                                          -4.6540
> 0.6878     17    -6.77    <.0001
> DIST*DW     0        0                                          1.4641    
> 0.4115   3077
> 3.56    0.0004
> DIST*DW     0        1                                          1.1333    
> 0.4028   3077
> 2.81    0.0049
> DIST*DW     1        0                                          1.3456    
> 0.3745
> 3077     3.59    0.0003
> DIST*DW     1        1                                           0         .  
>     .
> .       .
> SEX*ELI                           0          0                    1.2633    
> 0.4155
> 3077     3.04    0.0024
> SEX*ELI                           0          1                    0.6569    
> 0.4140   3077     1.59
> 0.1126
> SEX*ELI                           1          0                    1.0728    
> 0.4364
> 3077     2.46    0.0140
> SEX*ELI                           1          1                          0     
>     .
> .      .       .
> WT                                                                    0.00758 
>   0.01912
> 3077     0.40    0.6918
> SEAS                                    0                           0.7839    
> 0.1588
> 3077     4.94    <.0001
> SEAS                                    1                               0     
>     .
> .      .       .
> DEN                                                                 -0.01343  
> 0.002588
> 3077    -5.19    <.0001
>                                  Type III Tests of Fixed Effects
>                       Effect                    NUM.DF      DEN.DF    F Value
> Pr > F
>                       DIST*DW                       3        3077       6.06
> 0.0004
>                       SEX*ELI                         3        3077       6.30
> 0.0003
>                       WT                                1        3077       
> 0.16
> 0.6918
>                       SEAS                              1        3077      
> 24.37
> <.0001
>                       DEN                               1        3077      
> 26.94
> <.0001

At least on my mail reader the copies of the output ended up with
wrapped lines and, apparently, some changes in the spacing.  I enclose
two text files, glimmix.txt and glmer.txt, that are my reconstructions
of the originals.  Please let me know if I have not reconstructed them
correctly.  In particular, i don't think I got the first table of
"Solutions for Fixed Effects:" in the glimmix.txt file correct.  It
seems to mix t statistics and F statistics in ways that I don't

Another thing I don't understand is what the Pseudo-Likelihood is.
Perhaps it is what I would call the penalized weighted residual sum of
squares.  The likelihood reported by lmer and based on the binomial
distribution is very different.

If you want to compare coefficients I suggest using

options(contrasts = c("contr.SAS", "contr.poly")

and assure that SEX, DIST, DW and ELI are factors, then call lmer.
This will ensure that the SEX, DIST, DW and ELI terms and their
interactions are represented by contrasts in which the last level is
the reference level (the SAS convention) as opposed to the first level
(the R convention).

Also, you may be confusing the S language formula terms with the SAS
formula terms.  In R the asterisk denotes crossing of terms and the :
is used for an interaction.  Thus SEX*ELI is equivalent to SEX + ELI +
SEX:ELI in R.  In SAS, it is the interaction that is written as
SEX*ELI.  I suggest that you change your SAS formula to include main
effects for SEX, ELI, DIST and DW.
Generalized linear mixed model fit using PQL

Formula: SURV ~ SEX * ELI + DW * DIST + SEAS + DEN + WT + (1 | SITE)
Family: binomial(logit link)

 AIC  BIC logLik deviance
1539 1606 -758.7     1517

Random effects:
Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
SITE   (Intercept)  0.27816  0.52741
number of obs: 3104, groups: SITE, 19

Estimated scale (compare to  1 )  0.9458749

Fixed effects:
                 Estimate     Std. Error    z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)     -1.144259       0.458672     -2.495 0.012606
SEX             -0.606026       0.167289     -3.623 0.000292 ***
ELI             -0.190757       0.219599     -0.869 0.385034
DW              -0.328796       0.175882     -1.869 0.061565 .
DIST            -0.117745       0.374148     -0.315 0.752989
SEAS            -0.784971       0.158748     -4.945 7.62e-07 ***
DEN             -0.013381       0.002585     -5.176 2.27e-07 ***
WT               0.007735       0.019115      0.405 0.685732
SEX:ELI         -0.466425       0.461596     -1.010 0.312274
DW:DIST         -1.015454       0.404683     -2.509 0.012099 *
Model Information

 Variance Matrix Blocked By    Site
 Estimation Technique:  Residual PL
 Degrees of Freedom Method:  Containment

Fit Statistics

-2 Res Log Pseudo-Likelihood:    17868.73
Pseudo-AIC:                      17890.73
Pseudo-BIC:                      17957.14

Covariance Parameter Estimates
Cov Parm      Subject       Estimate   Std Error
Intercept        Site         0.2975      0.1799

Solutions for Fixed Effects
Effect           DIST  DW     ELI  SEX    SEAS          Estimate Std Error  DF  
t Value  Pr> |t|
Intercept                                                -4.6540    0.687   17  
  -6.77     F
DIST*DW                                                        3          3077  
   6.06    0.0004
SEX*ELI                                                        3          3077  
   6.30    0.0003
WT                                                             1          3077  
   0.16    0.6918
SEAS                                                           1          3077  
Solutions for Fixed Effects:

Effect           DIST DW  ELI  SEX  SEAS              Estimate   Std. Error    
DF  t Value  Pr > |t|

Intercept                                              -4.6540      0.6878     
17    -6.77    <.0001

DIST*DW       0        0                                1.4641      0.4115   
3077     3.56    0.0004
DIST*DW       0        1                                1.1333      0.4028   
3077     2.81    0.0049
DIST*DW       1        0                                1.3456      0.3745   
3077     3.59    0.0003
DIST*DW       1        1                                     0           .      
.        .         .

SEX*ELI                          0     0                1.2633      0.4155   
3077     3.04    0.0024
SEX*ELI                          0     1                0.6569      0.4140   
3077     1.59    0.1126
SEX*ELI                          1     0                1.0728      0.4364   
3077     2.46    0.0140
SEX*ELI                          1     1                     0           .      
.        .         .

WT                                                     0.00758     0.01912   
3077     0.40    0.6918

SEAS                                   0                0.7839      0.1588   
3077     4.94    <.0001
SEAS                                   1                     0           .      
.        .         .

DEN                                                   -0.01343    0.002588   
3077    -5.19    <.0001

                                Type III Tests of Fixed Effects

                     Effect                    NUM.DF      DEN.DF    F Value    
 Pr > F
                     DIST*DW                        3        3077       6.06    
                     SEX*ELI                        3        3077       6.30    
                     WT                             1        3077       0.16    
                     SEAS                           1        3077      24.37    
                     DEN                            1        3077      26.94    

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