Dear All -  Any help/advice appreciated....

OSX 10.5.1, R 2.6.1, survival 2.34

I am trying to fit an interval censored model with cluster or frailty  
term (first 20 lines of the data set are below).


The independent variables are habitat characteristics, and we are  
modelling parrot survival, with nestide as nest from which more than  
one parrot babies come from.... like a litter.

summary(m1) does not appear to produce a robust estimate for the  
terms, for this model, or the examples in ?cluster.

This link, indicating this potential problem, suggests a workaround....

is it legitimate to apply this to the above model, for example, via:


-------MOREOVER, attempting the same model with a frailty term  
produces some interesting problems.... such as:

(1) the example for frailty does not seem to work at all, and defaults  
to model without frailty

frailty.model <- survreg(Surv(time, status) ~ rx +  frailty(litter),  
rats )
Warning message:
In, Y, weights, offset, init = init, controlvals =  
control,  :
   Inner loop failed to coverge for iterations 2
 > summary(frailty.model)

survreg(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ rx + frailty(litter),
     data = rats)
              Value Std. Error      z         p
(Intercept)  5.130     0.2198  23.34 1.76e-120
rx          -0.208     0.0713  -2.92  3.48e-03
Log(scale)  -1.666     0.1309 -12.73  4.11e-37

Scale= 0.189

Weibull distribution
Loglik(model)= -202.9   Loglik(intercept only)= -246.3
        Chisq= 86.73 on 39.5 degrees of freedom, p= 2.1e-05
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 10 71
n= 150

(2) Very simple parrot model - note that inner loop has failed....  
what does this mean?
survreg(formula = Surv(start, stop, event, type = "interval") ~
     div + frailty(nestide), data = ss)

                  coef  se(coef) se2   Chisq  DF p
(Intercept)       3.66 0.76     0.358  23.21  1 1.5e-06
div              -1.24 1.06     0.476   1.36  1 2.4e-01
frailty(nestide)                      695.25 26 0.0e+00

Scale= 0.241

Iterations: 10 outer, 106 Newton-Raphson
      Variance of random effect= 0.492   I-likelihood = -75
Degrees of freedom for terms=  0.2  0.2 26.0  1.0
Likelihood ratio test=175  on 25.4 df, p=0  n= 92
Warning message:
In, Y, weights, offset, init = init, controlvals =  
control,  :
   Inner loop failed to coverge for iterations 2 5

(3) Slightly more complex model - notice inner loop problem, and  
complete loss of div as a coherent variable.... again, any ideas why?
 > survreg(Surv(start,stop,event,type="interval")~div+hag+d2f+d2n+tree 
survreg(formula = Surv(start, stop, event, type = "interval") ~
     div + hag + d2f + d2n + tree + frailty(nestide), data = ss)

                  coef      se(coef) se2      Chisq  DF   p
(Intercept)       3.342919 7.88e-01 2.53e-01  17.99  1.0 2.2e-05
div                        0.00e+00 0.00e+00         1.0
hag              -0.000411 4.94e-04 1.50e-04   0.69  1.0 4.0e-01
d2f              -0.000282 8.18e-05 2.49e-05  11.88  1.0 5.7e-04
d2n              -0.000299 1.28e-04 3.45e-05   5.49  1.0 1.9e-02
tree              0.068125 4.03e-01 1.19e-01   0.03  1.0 8.7e-01
frailty(nestide)                             249.60 23.9 0.0e+00

Scale= 0.239

Iterations: 10 outer, 82 Newton-Raphson
      Variance of random effect= 0.649   I-likelihood = -63.3
Degrees of freedom for terms=  0.1  NaN  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1 23.9  1.0
Likelihood ratio test=176  on NaN df, p=NaN  n= 92
Warning message:
In, Y, weights, offset, init = init, controlvals =  
control,  :
   Inner loop failed to coverge for iterations 2

Many thanks,

FIRST 20 Lines of data
 > ss[1:20,]
    start stop event tree hag entcir entarea depth nestid  d2n  d2f
1      1    8     1    1 170     45     192    78      1  850 7350
2      1    8     1    1 230    115     611    47      2  520 6810
3      1    8     1    1 150     64     156    70      3  590 6870
4     22   57     1    1 410     58     270   100      4 3000 1310
5     22   57     1    1 410     58     270   100      4 3000 1310
6     22   57     1    1 410     58     270   100      4 3000 1310
7     22   57     1    1 410     58     270   100      4 3000 1310
8     22   64     1    1 140     60     432   134      5  187 3090
9     29   64     1    1 140     60     432   134      5  187 3090
10    29   64     1    1 140     60     432   134      5  187 3090
11    29   64     1    1 140     60     432   134      5  187 3090
12    15   71     1    1 120     56     260    77      6  490 5920
13    15   64     1    1 120     56     260    77      6  490 5920
14    15   57     1    1 120     56     260    77      6  490 5920
15    15  100     0    1 170     43     168   104      7  409 3090
16     8  100     0    1  80    128     658    64      8 3360 3520
17     8   29     1    1  80    128     658    64      8 3360 3520
18    15   29     1    1  80    128     658    64      8 3360 3520
19    15   36     1    1  80    128     658    64      8 3360 3520
20     8  100     0    1 170     56     152   156      9  350 6040
          div nestide
1  0.6027874       1
2  0.6121574       2
3  0.8094382       3
4  0.7353479       4
5  0.7353479       4
6  0.7353479       4
7  0.7353479       4
8  0.8645524       5
9  0.8645524       5
10 0.8645524       5
11 0.8645524       5
12 0.6458459       6
13 0.6458459       6
14 0.6458459       6
15 0.2722860       7
16 0.8397355       8
17 0.8397355       8
18 0.8397355       8
19 0.8397355       8
20 0.7203888       9

Dr. Andrew Beckerman
Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield,
Alfred Denny Building, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
ph +44 (0)114 222 0026; fx +44 (0)114 222 0002

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