Dear Jens,

I've submitted a new version (0.7-4) of the polycor package to CRAN. The
hetcor() function now uses your nearcor() in sfsmisc to make the returned
correlation matrix positive-definite if it is not already.

I know that quite some time has elapsed since you raised this issue, and I
apologize for taking so long to deal with it. (I've also kept track of your
suggestions for the sem package, and will respond to them when I next make
substantial modifications to the package -- though not in the near future.)

Thank you,

John Fox, Professor
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4

> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Jens Oehlschlägel" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 2:42 PM
> Subject: RE: [R] nearest correlation to polychoric
> Dimitris,
> Thanks a lot for the quick response with the pointer to 
> posdefify. Using its logic as an afterburner to the algorithm 
> of Higham seems to work.
> Martin,
> > Jens, could you make your code (mentioned below) available 
> to the community, or even donate to be included as a new 
> method of posdefify() ?
> Nice opportunity to give-back. Below is the R code for 
> nearcor and .Rd help file. A quite natural place for nearcor 
> would be John Fox' package polycor, what do you think?
> John?
> Best regards
> Jens Oehlschlägel
> # Copyright (2007) Jens Oehlschlägel
> # GPL licence, no warranty, use at your own risk
> #! \name{nearcor}
> #! \alias{nearcor}
> #! \title{ function to find the nearest proper correlation 
> matrix given an improper one } #! \description{
> #!   This function smooths a improper correlation matrix as 
> it can result from \code{\link{cor}} with 
> \code{use="pairwise.complete.obs"} or \code{\link[polycor]{hetcor}}.
> #! }
> #! \usage{
> #! nearcor(R, eig.tol = 1e-06, conv.tol = 1e-07, posd.tol = 
> 1e-08, maxits = 100, verbose = FALSE) #! } #! \arguments{
> #!   \item{R}{ a square symmetric approximate correlation matrix }
> #!   \item{eig.tol}{ defines relative positiveness of 
> eigenvalues compared to largest, default=1.0e-6 }
> #!   \item{conv.tol}{ convergence tolerance for algorithm, 
> default=1.0e-7  }
> #!   \item{posd.tol}{ tolerance for enforcing positive 
> definiteness, default=1.0e-8 }
> #!   \item{maxits}{ maximum number of iterations allowed }
> #!   \item{verbose}{ set to TRUE to verbose convergence }
> #! }
> #! \details{
> #!   This implements the algorithm of Higham (2002), then 
> forces symmetry, then forces positive definiteness using code 
> from \code{\link[sfsmisc]{posdefify}}.
> #!   This implementation does not make use of direct LAPACK 
> access for tuning purposes as in the MATLAB code of Lucas (2001).
> #!   The algorithm of Knol DL and ten Berge (1989) (not 
> implemented here) is more general in (1) that it allows 
> contraints to fix some rows (and columns) of the matrix and 
> (2) to force the smallest eigenvalue to have a certain value.
> #! }
> #! \value{
> #!   A LIST, with components
> #!   \item{cor}{resulting correlation matrix}
> #!   \item{fnorm}{Froebenius norm of difference of input and output}
> #!   \item{iterations}{number of iterations used}
> #!   \item{converged}{logical}
> #! }
> #! \references{
> #!        Knol, DL and ten Berge, JMF (1989). Least-squares 
> approximation of an improper correlation matrix by a proper 
> one.  Psychometrika, 54, 53-61.
> #!   \cr  Higham (2002). Computing the nearest correlation 
> matrix - a problem from finance, IMA Journal of Numerical 
> Analysis, 22, 329-343.
> #!   \cr  Lucas (2001). Computing nearest covariance and 
> correlation matrices. A thesis submitted to the University of 
> Manchester for the degree of Master of Science in the Faculty 
> of Science and Engeneering.
> #! }
> #! \author{ Jens Oehlschlägel }
> #! \seealso{ \code{\link[polycor]{hetcor}}, 
> \code{\link{eigen}}, \code{\link[sfsmisc]{posdefify}} } #! \examples{
> #!   cat("pr is the example matrix used in Knol DL, ten Berge 
> (1989)\n")
> #!   pr <- structure(c(1, 0.477, 0.644, 0.478, 0.651, 0.826, 
> 0.477, 1, 0.516,
> #!   0.233, 0.682, 0.75, 0.644, 0.516, 1, 0.599, 0.581, 0.742, 0.478,
> #!   0.233, 0.599, 1, 0.741, 0.8, 0.651, 0.682, 0.581, 0.741, 
> 1, 0.798,
> #!   0.826, 0.75, 0.742, 0.8, 0.798, 1), .Dim = c(6, 6))
> #!
> #!   nr <- nearcor(pr)$cor
> #!   plot(pr[lower.tri(pr)],nr[lower.tri(nr)])
> #!   round(cbind(eigen(pr)$values, eigen(nr)$values), 8)
> #!
> #!   cat("The following will fail:\n")
> #!   try(factanal(cov=pr, factors=2))
> #!   cat("and this should work\n")
> #!   try(factanal(cov=nr, factors=2))
> #!
> #!   \dontrun{
> #!     library(polycor)
> #!
> #!     n <- 400
> #!     x <- rnorm(n)
> #!     y <- rnorm(n)
> #!
> #!     x1 <- (x + rnorm(n))/2
> #!     x2 <- (x + rnorm(n))/2
> #!     x3 <- (x + rnorm(n))/2
> #!     x4 <- (x + rnorm(n))/2
> #!
> #!     y1 <- (y + rnorm(n))/2
> #!     y2 <- (y + rnorm(n))/2
> #!     y3 <- (y + rnorm(n))/2
> #!     y4 <- (y + rnorm(n))/2
> #!
> #!     dat <- data.frame(x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4)
> #!
> #!     x1 <- ordered(as.integer(x1 > 0))
> #!     x2 <- ordered(as.integer(x2 > 0))
> #!     x3 <- ordered(as.integer(x3 > 1))
> #!     x4 <- ordered(as.integer(x4 > -1))
> #!
> #!     y1 <- ordered(as.integer(y1 > 0))
> #!     y2 <- ordered(as.integer(y2 > 0))
> #!     y3 <- ordered(as.integer(y3 > 1))
> #!     y4 <- ordered(as.integer(y4 > -1))
> #!
> #!     odat <- data.frame(x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4)
> #!
> #!     xcor <- cor(dat)
> #!     pcor <- cor(odat)
> #!     hcor <- hetcor(odat, ML=TRUE, std.err=FALSE)$correlations
> #!     ncor <- nearcor(hcor)$cor
> #!
> #!     try(factanal(covmat=xcor, factors=2, n.obs=n))
> #!     try(factanal(covmat=pcor, factors=2, n.obs=n))
> #!     try(factanal(covmat=hcor, factors=2, n.obs=n))
> #!     try(factanal(covmat=ncor, factors=2, n.obs=n))
> #!   }
> #! }
> #! \keyword{algebra}
> #! \keyword{array}
> nearcor <- function(  # Computes the nearest correlation 
> matrix to an approximate correlation matrix, i.e. not 
> positive semidefinite.
>   R                   # n-by-n approx correlation matrix
> , eig.tol   = 1.0e-6  # defines relative positiveness of 
> eigenvalues compared to largest
> , conv.tol  = 1.0e-7  # convergence tolerance for algorithm , 
> posd.tol  = 1.0e-8  # tolerance for enforcing positive definiteness
> , maxits    = 100     # maximum number of iterations allowed
> , verbose   = FALSE   # set to TRUE to verbose convergence
>                       # RETURNS list of class nearcor with 
> components cor, iterations, converged ){
>   if (!(is.numeric(R) && is.matrix(R) && identical(R,t(R))))
>     stop('Error: Input matrix R must be square and symmetric')
>   # Inf norm
>   inorm <- function(x)max(rowSums(abs(x)))
>   # Froebenius norm
>   fnorm <- function(x)sqrt(sum(diag(t(x) %*% x)))
>   n <- ncol(R)
>   U <- matrix(0, n, n)
>   Y <- R
>   iter <- 0
>   while (TRUE){
>       T <- Y - U
>       e <- eigen(Y, symmetric=TRUE)
>       Q <- e$vectors
>       d <- e$values
>       D <- diag(d)
>       # create mask from relative positive eigenvalues
>       p <- (d>eig.tol*d[1]);
>       # use p mask to only compute 'positive' part
>       X <- Q[,p,drop=FALSE] %*% D[p,p,drop=FALSE] %*% 
> t(Q[,p,drop=FALSE])
>       U <- X - T
>       X <- (X + t(X))/2
>       diag(X) <- 1
>       conv <- inorm(Y-X) / inorm(Y)
>       iter <- iter + 1
>       if (verbose)
>         cat("iter=", iter, "  conv=", conv, "\n", sep="")
>       if (conv <= conv.tol){
>         converged <- TRUE
>         break
>       }else if (iter==maxits){
>         warning(paste("nearcor did not converge in", iter, 
> "iterations"))
>         converged <- FALSE
>         break
>       }
>       Y <- X
>   }
>   X <- (X + t(X))/2
>   # begin from posdefify(sfsmisc)
>   e <- eigen(X, symmetric = TRUE)
>   d <- e$values
>   Eps <- posd.tol * abs(d[1])
>   if (d[n] < Eps) {
>       d[d < Eps] <- Eps
>       Q <- e$vectors
>       o.diag <- diag(X)
>       X <- Q %*% (d * t(Q))
>       D <- sqrt(pmax(Eps, o.diag)/diag(X))
>       X[] <- D * X * rep(D, each = n)
>   }
>   # end from posdefify(sfsmisc)
>   # force symmetry
>   X <- (X + t(X))/2
>   diag(X) <- 1
>   ret <- list(cor=X, fnorm=fnorm(R-X), iterations=iter, 
> converged=converged)
>   class(ret) <- "nearcor"
>   ret
> }
> --
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