You appear to have fitted a seasonal model to a non-seasonal time series.
See ?ts for how to set up a time series (a step you seem to have omitted), 
and ?arima for how to specify the model in R.

Otherwise, this is not the place for a tutorial on fitting time series, 
and many of us do not offer such help to people who do not supply their 
credentials (see the posting guide).  Unless this is a homework problem, a 
time series is more than a series of numbers: it has a time base and a 
context that will influence how it should be modelled.

On Tue, 20 Nov 2007, eugen pircalabelu wrote:

> Good afternoon!
> I'm trying to model a ts but unfortunately i'.m very new to this kind of 
> modeling  so i 'll be very grateful if you have an advice.
> This was my syntax:
> t<-c(16115,17391,19011,20256,19034,18851,20016,18088,19166,21163,18463,19397,15800,16113,18879,20598,17252,19753,19110,19605,20836,18868,20204,24384,15817,18223,19884,21059,18545,19853,20027,20061,21679,20210,20351,21322,16891,17111,20166,18735,16821,17891,17058,19250)
> plot.ts(t)
> acf(t)
> pacf(t)
> arima(t,order=c(13,2,0), seasonal=list(order=c(1,1,1)))->fit
> predict(fit, n.ahead=1)
> Now, choosing my order, was a trial and error process where i used the acf, 
> pcf and AIC  (which  is minimized by taking those specific values)  but as 
> you can imagine   this is something "made by ear". I want to know if there is 
> some test which can give me the proper values for the order? (i haven't found 
> some full examples which describe the process fully from head to toe)
> Second, if this is the best fitting model for that specific ts, now don't you 
> think that those standard errors are huge!!!!!!!!!!!!! Say, if the novice 
> client eliminates  that  great rise/damp in the series and wants to "predict" 
> solely based on his impressions from the time series he would probably give 
> me the same interval, as the arima gave me, and i can't give him some  new  
> piece of info.  Is there something wrong with my ts, or with my arima model, 
> and  how  could i make that confidence  interval smaller ?
> Thank you and have a great day!
> ---------------------------------
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