
Maybe this is related with some dns problems that qmail has. Check 
your qmail-send log and if your find that the mails that aren't 
delivered had a log entry like this:

CNAME lookup failed temporarily. (#4.4.3)

Then you have that problem and you need to patch qmail.

Kind regards.


At 11:46 +0100 23-09-2013, ifty shabir wrote:
>Morning People,
>Hopefully you guys can help,
>In the last month or so I have had problem, where I cannot send 
>emails to specific domains ie . emails with virginmedia,com, 
>Every time I send an email the emails go directly into the "mess 
>folder" in qmail. All other emails are fine.
>Could someone please advise what or where I can look to resolve this
>Thank you

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