At 4:07 -0400 2-07-2009, Nicholas DeMarinis wrote:
>After running the test install script again, everything in tmp is
>owned by root:root, the directories have permissions 750 and the files

That is really no good... So only root can access those files.

But I can't understand how this is happening, you are using the 
wrapper, qmail-smtpd usually runs as user 'qmaild:nofiles' and it 
calls the wrapper, and then the new process seems owned by root. 
Something weird there, you better compile perl with suid support, if 
you have saved the settings used to build perl the first time it 
shouldn't be difficult.

Good look


>I had to set qmail-scanner-version.txt and quarantine-events.{db,txt}
>to qmaild:nofiles.  I couldn't say why that worked, nor could I tell
>you how I got the idea to set it that way.
>On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:58 AM, Salvatore Toribio<> wrote:
>>  At 3:48 -0400 2-07-2009, Nicholas DeMarinis wrote:
>>>  Tried that, to the same result.  I set DEBUG to 101, but it didn't
>>>  seem to output anything different.
>>  Hi
>>  After setting DEBUG to 101, Q-S doesn't delete the files/directories in the
>>  /var/spool/qscan/tmp, so you can check the ownership and the permissions in
>>  there. The qmail-queue.log doesn't change.
>>  What files/directories did you chowned to qmaild:nofiles?
>>  Regards
>>  ST
>>>  On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:40 AM, Salvatore Toribio<> wrote:
>>>>   At 1:41 -0400 2-07-2009, Nicholas DeMarinis wrote:
>>>>>   Hello,
>>>>>   I've just installed qmail-scanner-2.06 on top of netqmail-1.06.  Q-S
>>>>>   has successfully detected clamd 0.93.3 and spamd (fast) 3.2.5.  It
>>>>>   _appears_ to be functioning well when sending and receiving plain text
>>>>>   email, but I find the following if I test the installation with
>>>>>, or attempted to replicate it with an attachment
>>>>>   or something similar that would invoke clamd, I find the following:
>>>>>   Sending standard test message - no viruses...
>>>>>   done!
>>>>>   Thu, 02 Jul 2009 00:40:20 EDT:24660: --output of clamdscan was:
>>>>>   /var/spool/qscan/tmp/my-hostname124650962056624660: Access denied.
>>>>>  ERROR
>>>>>   --
>>>>   Hi
>>>>   It seems to me a permission problem. There is something new in 2.06, as
>>>>  you
>>>>   are running clamav as qscand it shouldn't be the cause of the problem,
>>>>  but
>>>>   who knows. I have never tried the wrapper and it seems that many people
>>>>  has
>>>>   issues with it.
>>>>   You can try to modify, search for:
>>>>        #Now ensure the permissions are opened up to 0740
>>>>        my $xchmod=`chmod -R 740 . 2>&1`;
>>>>   And change it to (suggested as bug by P-O Yliniemi):
>>>>        my $xchmod=`chmod -R 750 . 2>&1`;
>>>>   You can also set DEBUG to 101 and see what are the permissions inside
>>>>   /var/spool/qscand/tmp
>>>>   Regards
>>>>   ST

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