At 13:08 -0400 15-04-2008, Asif Iqbal wrote:
>And I see this log *only* in qmail-queue.log but not in syslog's
> (aka maillog yes)
>Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:01:40 GMT:26206: +++ starting debugging for
>process 26206 (ppid=26197) by uid=7791
>Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:01:40 GMT:26206: w_c: Total time between DATA
>command and "." was 0.000247 secs
>Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:01:40 GMT:26206: w_c: elapsed time from start 
>0.018104 secs
>Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:01:41 GMT:26159: ------ Process 26159 finished.
>Total of 9.778034 secs
>I do not want to turn off minidebug (set to `0') unless I can send
>those logs to syslog

Sorry, but you won't see "those logs" in syslog. Qmail-scanner send 
to syslog just some information, not the debug or minidebug log, for 
example this is the log for a clear message:

Apr 16 09:54:29 apo146 qmail-scanner[12796]: 
Clear:RC:1( 1.158852 5574 

If you run 'grep qmail-scanner maillog' you should find some lines 
like the one above.

So if you want all the information of minidebug in syslog you should 
modify the minidebug routine.
Start from something like this:

sub minidebug {
     my (&msg) = @_ ;
     return if (!$MINIDEBUG);

     my $msgtype = "qmail-scanner[$nprocess]";
     my $syslogtype='mail|info';

     $msg =~s/[\x00-\x09]//g;
     $msg =~ s/%/%%/g;
     #Now ensure syslog record isn't larger than max syslog size of 1024 chars
     eval {
       $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Maximum time writing to syslog 
exceeded. syslog is hung/broken." };
       alarm 10;
       eval {
        syslog($syslogtype,"$msgtype: $msg");
       if ($@) {
        syslog('mail|info',"$msgtype: $msg");
     #The message is delivered - so no temp failure here - you just 
have to lose the log entry...
     alarm 0;

Remember you are in your own... Test it well off-line, and then test 
it again...



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