After 3 hours of chasing this problem, I have solved it with a simple 
solution.  I am recording the fault and workaround for the benefit of others.

The system:
* qmail 1.03
* qmail-scanner 1.25
* clamav 0.88.2, clamdscan running, qmail-scanner configured to use this
* qmail-stmpd running under daemontool's service function with softlimit 
set to 15000000
* perl 5.6.1
* FreeBSD 5.2.1

* At 17:45 GMT 19 Jun I received clamav's release virus signature daily.cvd 
version 1550.

* Around this time, incoming mail was being blocked.

* Mail clients report "451 qq crashed (#4.3.0)"

* Problem reproduced using telnet to port 25 locally on the machine

* No new activity in /var/log/qmail/current (excluding retries of messages 
still in the queue)

My initial assumption was that Clamav was breaking qmail-scanner which was 
breaking qmail.

1. tried altering softlimit (like everyone says, e.g., in vain

2. Unit test of clamdscan was fine (# clamdscan /tmp)

3. Executing this:
"/var/qmail/bin/ -h"
"Segmentation fault"
before showing any output

4. Tried upgrading to 2.01 of qmail-scanner but still got same issue

5. Tried cycling clamdscan daemon, in vain

6. Problem narrowed to qmail-scanner and its interaction with syslog using:
perl -d -T /var/qmail/bin/ -h
showed an "Abort trap" in line 234 which for my version is around 
this code:
        ($whoami = 'syslog');

7. tried restarting FreeBSD syslogd daemon in vain.

I applied Microsoft solution number 1: reboot.
And it worked!
The box had run for 78 days and there was nothing else showing errors;
I can only conclude that the syslog subsystem was irrevocably screwed.

Andrew Liles. 

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