Thank you very much for getting back to me!

On Apr 17, 2006, at 19:35, Jason Haar wrote:

What does "ps auxww|grep qscan" show? Are there just processes lying around - or are there also calls
to SpamAssassin or AV too?

The former.  AV is clamav (87.1, I know I need to upgrade) but there
are no visible clamdscan processes, just a couple of sleeping clamd processes
hanging around.  Spamassassin is running as user spamd and shows
the usual spamd processes but there are no spamc's around.  It appears
they are never launched (see below).

I did run -x to clear out the spool.

You mean "-z" don't you? There has never been a "-x" option :-)

Yup, -z.  =)

Many of the long-running idle processes have 0-length files in
/var/spool/qscand/working/tmp/ which are not deleted because they are
not yet 30 hours old.  I am finding that about 4/5 of the files
written to /var/spool/qscand/working/tmp are 0-length files -- which
could be a side effect of users' smtp-auth clients terminating
improperly or timing out, I guess. Should I just modify the script to
delete 0-length files older than an hour or something?

Nope - leave it be. You need to find out what's causing it first.

What could cause this?  Running with $DEBUG=1, I find no unusual
messages in qmail-queue.log -- entries for the various relevant
processes complete eventually in some cases or just stop arbitrarily
in the middle...

What does "in the middle" mean? Where are these things hanging?

They appear to hang after the attempt to dump the msg into the working Maildir.

From qmail-smtpd log:

2006-04-17 14:00:52.430491500 tcpserver: pid 9220 from
2006-04-17 14:00:52.447959500 tcpserver: ok 9220

From qmail-queue.log:

Mon, 17 Apr 2006 14:00:53 PDT:9221: +++ starting debugging for process 9221 by uid=89 Mon, 17 Apr 2006 14:00:53 PDT:9221: setting UID to EUID so subprocesses can access files generated b
y this script
Mon, 17 Apr 2006 14:00:53 PDT:9221: program name is qmail-scanner-, version 2.00 Mon, 17 Apr 2006 14:00:53 PDT:9221: w_c: mkdir /var/spool/qscan//tmp/ seedboxconnect.com1145307653540
Mon, 17 Apr 2006 14:00:53 PDT:9221: w_c: start dumping incoming msg into /var/spool/qscan//working/t
mp/seedboxconnect.com11453076535409221 [0.002144]

Dir /var/spool/qscan//tmp/seedboxconnect.com1145307653540 is empty as is the file in working/tmp:

-rw-rw---- 1 qscand qscand 0 Apr 17 14:00 seedboxconnect.com11453076535409221

Other info: softlimit is 40000000, which the FAQ suggests is higher than necessary. Not sure if that could have side effects here. Most of the zero-length entries in working/tmp trace back to a log pattern like the one above. There are also some 24+ hour-old non-zero files but they are far fewer in number. Originating smtp servers vary.

Thanks again for any suggestions. Maybe qmail-smtpd can be compiled with a debug mode to log its smtp conversations -- could let me track what is supposed to be transmitted. Looking into that next.

-- jesse

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