--- Jason Haar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Regarding new features in v 2.0 - will there be an
> > option to block certain filetypes, regardless of
> the
> > extension? I'm thinking something like the "file"
> > command, but I suck at Perl and can't do it by
> > myself. Any chance of seeing this in the new
> version?
> >   
> Sorry - but not in this release. Why do you think it
> would be a good
> idea? Can you come up with some scenarios where it
> would help?

Well, my company's policy is to block all
"non-business" related attachments (.pps, .mpg, .mp3,
.wmf, ...). But some of our users are very clever and
they quickly realised that by changing the file's
extension they can send those files anyway. It means a
little bit of extra work, but they still do it.

So I was thinking that by implementing this
functionality QS would be able to recognize the
filetype and then to decide whether to block it or


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