--- Jason Haar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:

> vee y wrote:
> >-doit 
> >QMAILQUEUE was not set, defaulting to
> >/var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl for this
> test...
> >
> >  
> >
> You are freaking out about nothing. Just a bad
> choice of words on my 
> part I suppose... The shell your session was in
> didn't have QMAILQUEUE 
> set - so the test script set it for you. You mention
> that you had set 
> QMAILQUEUE within tcprules - which means it is set
> for a SMTP session - 
> but test_installation.sh doesn't fake a SMTP session
> - it just calls 
> qmail-inject directly - that's why it manually sets

Okay, then this shouldn't be a problem.
But why I only have three emails in
[EMAIL PROTECTED], each is for 
Qmail-Scanner test (1/4): inoffensive message
Qmail-Scanner viral test (2/4): checking
Qmail-Scanner anti-spam test (4/4): checking
SpamAssassin [if present] (There yo ..

In many howto, it is stated that there should be 4
messages that will be in [EMAIL PROTECTED] after
running the test. What caused the problem?

> >And I found that when I send message containing
> >eicar.com to other user in localhost, qmail-scanner
> >don't scan it and my /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd is
> >also not containing any log telling that
> qmail-scanner
> >is working. 
> >
> >  
> >
> So the question is - what do you mean by "send to
> localhost". Do you 
> mean "send via SMTP to localhost" or do you mean a
> program sent an email 
> via qmail-inject/sendmail/etc. The latter will not
> go through Q-S unless 
> you set QMAILQUEUE in its environment first, and the
> former will go 
> through QMAILQUEUE only if you refer to in
> your tcprules.

I just want my qmail-scanner works for every message
that send to any. For example, I try to send message
with eicar.com attached to it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
then the qmail-scanner will scan the message and not
allowing the message to be sent but it will notify the
postmaster and quarantine the message.
My another question is where should I check the log
that qmail-scanner have worked with qmail for both
incoming and outgoing e-mail. I've checked the logs in
/var/log/qmail/qmail-send/current and
/var/log/qmail/qmail-smtp/current but they don't tell
me that there was scanning by qmail-scanner. So should
I see the log in that 2 log file when I already have
my qmail-scanner work properly?

Thank You very much


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