At 23:17 +0200 8-09-2005, Schnippo wrote:
Hi all

Im using qmail-scanner 1.25 on a gentoo box. i need to to something really strange ;)

filter all incoming mails. if the subject contains "(R)" the mail should be forwarded to a special mailserver. i dont have problems with detecting the (R) in the subject, but how can i change the recipient. i tried to add "RCPT TO:..." to the headers. it didnt work. i may added at the wrong position. can i even do this with qmail-scanner?

thanks in advance for _any_ hints that may help!

You can do it in many ways, dipends in if you want to check the message or not and if you have enabled settings per domain.

Maybe the simplest way is to add this code before the settings per domain check:


######## CODE TO ADD
   if ( your check for the subject) {
     my $fwd_address='[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
######## END of code



The mail will be check by the 'scanners_installed' and then send to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address. But it could be a lot of more sophisticated...



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