[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/19/2005 01:06:03:
> Hi,
> I try to upgrade my existing qmail-scanner-1.22 to
> qmail-scanner-1.24, but i have qq 453 error when trying to send mail.
> found this from the log.
> error_condition: X-Qmail-Scanner-1.24-st-qms: owner of unpacked file
> "/var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/cyclops.example.
> com110871563876030912/1108715641.30917-0.cyclops.example.com"
> (uid=0) doesn't match UID of Qmail-Scanner (uid=111) - can't expect this
> to work. Fix whatever is creating files with uid=0
> when i change the ownership of qmail-scanner-queue.pl to root and it's
> work fine. why i can't use qscand ? please help . Thanks.
Who owns dir /var/spool/qmailscan (or any other dir you have q-s installed in)?
Can such user open /var, /var/spool, /var/spool/qmailscan?
- [Qmail-scanner-general]Problem with qmail-scanner-1.24 Liew Toh Seng
- Aecio F. Neto