Werner Fleck wrote:

I attached an email showing the error. The critical lines are:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Disposition: attachment;

This was discussed last year, and is a known issue.

I ask for feedback/help from non-ASCII sites about just how things like Windows really handle file extensions. e.g. assuming Chinese treats *.EXE as executables, does it also treat some other (Chinese) extension as an executable? How does the locale choice present in such encoded filenames affect the extension? I just don't have enough background in foreign languages to know the answers to this.

At its heart, such encoded filenames have to be "normalized" back to a standard, predicable format with which you can ensure your quarantine-attachments.txt file looks for. Typically we'd have to start using other perl modules such as MIME::Base64 - which I am loathed to do unless there is dire need (I just don't like opening more files than are needed ;-)

I asked for help some time last year... I'm still waiting... :-)

PS: if you were seeing a particular file attachment getting through, you could always specifically block it - e.g. for the filename above:

Encoded filename: =?koi8-r?B?NC5wZGYuZXhl?=
Seen by Q-S as: __koi8-r_b_nc5wzgyuzxhl__

So create a quarantine-attachment.txt entry to block "__koi8-r_b_nc5wzgyuzxhl__". Not nice, not comprehensive, but will work for such viruses IF they don't change their filenames. Of course, hopefully your AV will catch it.

I agree this is something that needs fixing, so feedback on locale/encoding issues appreciated!


Jason Haar
Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417
PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

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