> Dear all,
> Sorry if this question has been asked bunch of times. I tried several
> hints from archive but no luck so far. The problem is that QS couldn't
> recognize SA 3.0.2 - the error is:
> Something like spamc for SpamAssassin detected - but not correctly
> installed
> (didn't include a "X-Spam-Status" line in output).
> Please read Q-S FAQ if you want it - especially check that spamd daemon
> is running. Ignoring...

can you run "spamc < message" and get a result?  Does spamassassin
actually work?

> Here is my setup:
> FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE with SpamAssassin 3.0.2 installed from ports.
> ps ax | grep spamd
> 37086 ?? Is 0:00.57 /usr/local/bin/spamd -d -x -m 20 -C
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/ -u spamd --socketpath=/var/run/spamd (perl5.8.5)

First, dont specify a -C <config_path>.  Especially since it defaults to
where you pointed it anyway.

> cat /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
> rewrite_header Subject *****SPAM*****
> add_header all Status _YESNO_, score=_SCORE_ required=_REQD_ tests=_TESTS_
> autolearn=_AUTOLEARN_ version=_VERSION_

have you run spamassassin -D --lint as the spamd user?  Do you see any

> I tried QS 1.24 - same result. As far as I understood from
> http://xoomer.virgilio.it/j.toribio/qmail-scanner/ spamd is running in
> FAST mode since whatever I change in local.cf it doesn't have any effect.

I dont know what your qmail-scanner-queue.pl looks like but if you are
indeed running in fast mode, then this is true.  Not to mention that
qmail-scanner rewrites the subject itself so "rewrite_header Subject
*****SPAM*****" will never have any effect in local.cf when using
qmail-scanner.  If you dont want to run in fast mode and use
verbose_spamassassin instead, i think you have to remove the "-c" from the
spamc call in qmail-scanner.  I dont use the st patch at all so for me
this is all that has to be done.  Using the st patch might change what you
have to do to use verbose and not fast mode.  Perhaps someone else that
uses the st patch can offer more info.  Also, the faw at
http://qmail-scanner.sourceforge.net/FAQ.php#cs offers some good info.

> Could someone with a similiar working setup be so kind to help? I am ready
> to provide any extra information if needed.
> Thank you in advance.
> Roman
> --

My working setup is quite old and as such very different from a new
install.  It really wouldnt be much help...


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