At 13:29 +0300 26-07-2004, Nerijus Baliunas wrote:
Why don't I see any matched URI rules in qmail-queue.log?
It was with SA 2.63 and SpamCopURI patch, the same problem
with latest 3.0.0 pre (which includes this functionality, and
there is loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL
in /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre). On another system, where
I invoke spamc from .qmail, I do see lots of SpamCopURI
matches. Any ideas?
What version of qmail-scanner (st) are you using?
I have a lot of entries of URI rules:
# grep URI qmail-queue.log
0.2 HTTP_WITH_EMAIL_IN_URL URI: 'remove' URL contains an email address
0.5 REMOVE_PAGE URI: URL of page called "remove"
0.2 HTTP_WITH_EMAIL_IN_URL URI: 'remove' URL contains an email address
0.5 REMOVE_PAGE URI: URL of page called "remove"
0.1 BIZ_TLD URI: Contains a URL in the BIZ top-level domain
0.1 BIZ_TLD URI: Contains a URL in the BIZ top-level domain
0.5 REMOVE_PAGE URI: URL of page called "remove"
But these are the standard 2.63 URI rules.
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