I have File::Scan working with my qmail-scanner-queue.pl (v1.21) working and its a lot faster than ClamAV at detecting its _small_ database of viruses.
All that needs to be done is: 1.- Add "use File::Scan;" in the Site-Specific Settings 2.- Add "filescan_scanner" to the @scanner_array 3.- Include the following subroutine definition:
--BEGIN-- sub filescan_scanner { &debug("filescan: starting scan of directory \"$ENV{'TMPDIR'}\"...");
my ($start_filescan_time)=[gettimeofday]; my $filescanner = File::Scan->new(); my $has_virus = 0;
open DIR, "ls $ENV{'TMPDIR'} |";
while (<DIR>) {
next if m/^\./; chomp;
my $file = sprintf "%s/%s",$ENV{'TMPDIR'},$_;
&debug("filescan: scanning $file...");
if (my $vv = $filescanner->scan("$file")) {
&debug("filescan: There be a virus! ($vv)");
$quarantine_description=$vv; $has_virus++;
$description .= "\n--- File::Scan results --\n$vv FOUND";
} elsif ( my $ee = $filescanner->error()) {
&debug("File::Scan [Error] = $ee");
&error_condition("FileScan: Error: $ee");
} elsif ( my $ss = $filescanner->suspicious()) {
&debug("File::Scan [suspicious]");
close DIR;
my ($filescan_time) = tv_interval ($start_filescan_time, [gettimeofday]);
&debug("filescan: finished scan of dir \"$ENV{'TMPDIR'}\" in $filescan_time secs");
## uncomment the following to reject the email iff defined
#&reject_email("Rejected VIRUS $quarantine_description",33) if ($has_virus);
I have this working in producction systems without problems, and for the latest Zafi.b Virus, scanning takes ~0.025 secs per message compared to ~1.0 secs for ClamAV (Redhat Linux 7.3 i686 @1.5GHz 512MB RAM).
Hope this helps...
-- Jorge Valdes IT Manager Intercom El Salvador [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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