i have a small problems :
    - I use qmail-scanner 1.22st with Clamav and F-Prot.
    - I have updated my scanner version:
                Clamav 0.65 to 0.73
                F-prot 4.3.2 to 4.4.2
    - All old files are deleted and when i see the scanner, it's the good version.
    - I have create a new qmail-scanner-queue with a ./configure XXX
But qmail-scanner don't see the new version, he use it (i see in the log) but don't put
the good version in the email header ...
When i put ./qmail-scanner-queue.pl -v :
Version: 1.22st
Perl:    Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 2) configuration:
Scanners: perlscanner, clamdscan_scanner,  fprot_scanner, spamassassin, perlscan_scanner
Scanner versioning: clamuko: 0.65. f-prot: 4.3.2/3.14.7. spamassassin: 2.61.
Operating System: Linux, 2.4.22-10mdksmp
Hardware:         i686
to a other server, i have installed a new configuration i have:
Version: 1.22st
Perl:    Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 3) configuration:
Scanners: perlscanner, clamdscan_scanner, fprot_scanner, spamassassin, perlscan_scanner
Scanner versioning: clamdscan: 0.73. f-prot: 4.4.2/3.14.11. perlscan: 1.22st.
Operating System: Linux, 2.6.3-7mdk
Hardware:         i686
It's the same ./configure and the same scanner engine ...
Where is the problemes ?

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