Asif Iqbal wrote:> X-Qmail-Scanner-1.22st: clamdscan: corrupt or unknown clamd scannerHi All
I am seeing this log in my qmail-queue.log file after I upgraded my qmail scanner from qmail-scanner 1.20 to qmail-scanner 1.22st
Wed, 02 Jun 2004 01:01:58 EDT:1537: error_condition:error or memory/resource/perms problem - exit status 2
Here is how I configured my qmail-scanner
./configure --qs-user qscand --qs-group qscand --spooldir /var/spool/qmailscan --qmaildir /var/qmail --bindir /var/qmail/bin --qmail-queue-binary /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue --admin root --domain --admin-from name "" --notify psender,admin --local-domains --silent-viruses auto --block-password-protected 0 - -lang en_GB --debug 0 --minidebug 1 --unzip 0 --add-dscr-hdrs 0 --dscr-hdrs-text "X-Qmail-Scanner" --archive 0 --run-first-p-s 0 --redundant no --log-details 0 --log-crypto 0 --fix-mime 1 --ignore-eol-check 0 --virus-to-d elete 0 --sa-delta 0 --sa-subject "****SPAM****" --sa-quarantine 0 --sa-delete 0 --sa-reject 0 --sa-alt 0 --sa- debug 0 --scanners "auto" --install 1
I am running clamd in supervise mode as qscand. Also I have User qscand setup in clamav.conf file. So there should not be any permission issue. I also increased the max-space to 1 MB . It was running fine with 1.20 and same above setup. Why is it failing now? Any clue?
Thanks for any help/suggestion>
Hi Asif
This seems to be an issue with clamdscan and version 1.22 (official and st), I don't use clamdscan so I can't help you.
The way qmail-scanner call clamscand has changed in version 1.21 (clamuko to clamdscan), maybe Jason Haar can find what's the problem is.
In the mean time you can try to run just clamscan.
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