
I have corrected the email addresses in qmailstats being set to my postmaster address and added more content to the README file to remind people to edit the qmailstats script. No change to the utility or the qmail-scanner patch, just some housekeeping.

Sorry for this release being on top of the previous. Hopefully it is soon enough that it won't cause anyone any problems.

On another note, I plan to create a Sourceforge project for qms-analog. It will include the qmail-scanner patch until the qmail-scanner project decides to include the new log file additions to the project. If they don't, I will try to keep the diff file current with the newest releases of qmail-scanner, but no promises.

I have included the README contents below for easy reference.



qms-analog: Qmail-Scanner Log File Analyzer

Version: 0.1.1, 05/23/2004

Distribution Files ------------------

COPYING                    - The GPL Version 2 License file
Makefile                   - builds the qms-analog utility
qmail-scanner-1.22.diff    - patch file to add event logging
qmailstats                 - improved script which invokes qms-analog
qms-analog-types.txt       - defines the event log types provided
                            by the patch
qms-analog.c               - source file for the utility
README                     - this file

What You Get

 My updated version that tidies things up a bit and invokes qms-analog
 to produce the qmail-scanner stats at the bottom of the nightly
 Qmail stats email (see QmailRocks procedure for details).

 The utility which takes /var/spool/qmailscan/qms-events.log records
 as input from stdin and generates statistics on stdout.

 The patched version which generates nice logs in

!!!!!!!! ATTENTION: READ THIS FIRST !!!!!!!!
qms-analog requires a patch be applied to your qmail-scanner-1.22
distribution in order to generate a new, more legible log file.

The following are minimum requirements for qms-analog to work:
1) qmail-scanner version 1.22
2) ClamAV
3) Spamassassin

If you don't have these, and are unwilling to upgrade or install
them, DO NOT USE qms-analog. I cannot be responsible for what might

Generally speaking, qms-analog is intended as a supplement to the
QmailRocks system. Using it outside of QmailRocks is not tested or
supported. You are on your own...

If you meet these requirements, let's get started...

Note Concerning Where This Fits In the QmailRocks Procedure

I would suggest installing qmail-scanner-1.22 instead of 1.21 in
step 14 of the QmailRocks procedure. Then install the patch (step A
below) prior to configuring qmail-scanner-1.22 (the two ./configure
instructions). Finally, install qms-analog (step B below) at the
end of step 14 in the QmailRocks procedure.

A. Patching the qmail-scanner-1.22 Distribution

1) Obtain the source distribution qmail-scanner-1.22.tar.gz.

2) Extract it to the location of your choice.

3) Make a backup copy of the qmail-scanner-1.22 directory before
  patching it:
      cp -R qmail-scanner-1.22 qmail-scanner-1.22-orig

4) Copy qmail-scanner-1.22.diff from the qms-analog distro to the
  qmail-scanner-1.22 directory where the tarball was extracted.
      cp <path_qms_analog>/qmail-scanner-1.22.diff <path_qm-scanner-1.22>

5) Change directory to the qmail-scanner-1.22 distribution:
      cd <path_qm-scanner-1.22>

6) Patch qmail-scanner-1.22:
      patch -p1 < qmail-scanner-1.22.diff

7) Configure qmail-scanner-1.22 as described in the QmailRocks procedure
  (step 14) with the following additions which can be added as options
  to the configure script:

  a) --sa_delete=x - restored for 1.22 by this patch. The patch is worth
     it just for this - x is the amount over sa_max required to delete
     a SPAM email msg (I like a value of 1). Remember a value of "0"
     disables msg deletion for SPAM :(.  Defaults to disabled.

  b) --qms-log=[0|1] - enables or disables generation of the
     qms-events.log file (which is needed by qms-analog). Defaults to

  c) I changed debug to default to disabled in the patch. You can add
     "--debug=1" as an option to configure to enable it. It gets very
     large and is of no real use anyway to users.

8) After successful configuration (using "--install"), if you are using
  the C-wrapper instead of perl's setuid, follow the directions in the
  qmail-scanner-1.22/contrib/qmail-scanner-queue.c header at the top
  of the file to modify the permissions of and
  the perl tag at the top of that file (delete the "-T").

B. Building qms-analog and installing it with a new qmailstats script

1) Become root
2) cd to the qms-analog directory (wherever you extracted it)
3) make all
4) Edit the /var/qmail/qmailstats script to use your postmaster email
  address (look for <your_postmaster>

C. Testing

Allow several logs to accumulate in /var/spool/qmailscan/qms-events.log.
Execute /var/qmail/qmailstats.  This should generate the nightly email
to the postmaster including the qms-analog stats at the bottom.

D. Notes

If you have any problems, first just restore the original qmail-scanner-1.22
distribution (we backed it up, right?) and configure it as normal. Also,
let me know, perhaps I can fix it or help you through a simple problem.


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