Is it possible for me to run a qmail+Qmail-Scanner on a machine calling an AV running on another machine?
I explain: I have one machine running a qmail+vpopmail+qmailadmin just fine. The machine does not have enough resources (CPU+RAM) to run qmail-sacnner+AV, so we have to live with the endless stream of virii running amok this days. We are a non profit group and just received a donation of another machine, and I thought it would be great to put the AV to run on this new machine and setting qmail-scanner to call it through network.
Is it possible? If it is, how I do that? If it is not with Q-S do you know any way to do it?
Thank you very much!
- daniduc
What you can do is the following. The new machine, which has more resources will be your front end server. Meaning: it is acting as the primary MX for your domain. All mails get handled by the new machine. On this machine you set up qmail+qs+antivirus+sa+whatever you want. Now here comes the trick:
You make the frontend server deliver messages to the old machine after QS has done its work. Your old server received the messages, and delivers them to peoples maildirs.
On the new server, you put your domain in rcpthosts, and make a file called smtproutes in Qmail's control directory. In smtproutes you put: mydomain.com:oldserver.domain.com:25
There are probably a few other things you have to change in some control files, but I can't recall which ones at the moment. There is loads of info about this topic thought
Good luck with it, and let us know how it went
Niek Baakman --
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. PGP KeyID: 0x65C28B9A | Fingerprint: 7A5301026E58CF3FACE7F2F0D82B854565C28B9A
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