Pantelis Hadzipantelis wrote:
        I was wondering if it was possible to add more $archiveit

my $archiveit='.org';
I would like to add .net and .com how would I accomplish this?
my $archiveit='.org .com .net'; ???

read config option docs:

  --archive [yes|no|regex] Defaults to "no".
Whether to archive mail after
it as been processed. If "yes", all copies of
processed mail will be moved into the maildir
"/var/spool/qmailscan/archives/". Any other string besides
"yes" and "no" will be treated as a REGEX. Only mail
from or to an address that contains that regex will
be archived. e.g. "jhaar|harry" or "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
Be careful with this option, a badly written regex
will cause Qmail-Scanner to crash.

The code in question is:
if ($headers{'MAILFROM'} !~ /$archiveit/i && $headers{'RCPTTO'} !~ /$archiveit/i) {

so...a config option for your case might be:
  --archive "\.org|\.net|\.com"
or, directly edit your file:
  my $archiveit='\.org|\.net|\.com';

(technically) your archiveit config examples should be updated to -
  e.g. .... or "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
to escape that dot

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