I do have a line like that, its just not writing high, med, or low in the subject
along with the word ***SPAM***
could a setting in SA be effecting this somehow?
Salvatore Toribio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Salvatore Toribio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 16:58 -0800 9-03-2004, Ed BK wrote:
>I can't seem to get the $sa_delta option to work (It does write spam
>in the subject)
>below is some key settings I have, maybe somthing is set wrong?
>Do I need to uncomment High, Medium and Low?
>Located in - /var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl
>my $spamc_options='-f';
>my $spamc_subject='***SPAM***';
>my $sa_delete='10';
What do you see in qmail-queue.log?
You must find a line like this:
10/03/2004 09:07:05:8784: SA: required_hits=6.5 sa_quarantine=0 sa_delete=10
If you don't see this kind of line there is something wrong in your
># st: If $spamc_subject is defined, a tag will be added to the
># subject indicating how the message is to be considered as
># spam, in this way (required_hits=sa_max):
># LOW: sa_max < score < sa_max + sa_delta
># MEDIUM: sa_max + sa_delta < score < sa_max + 2 * sa_delta
># HIGH: sa_max + 2 * sa_delta < score
># Be aware, sa_max+2*sa_delta must be lower than sa_quarantine
>my $sa_delta='0.5';
>Reply I recieved:
>If you set your required_hits in spamassassin (local.cf) to 6.5 and
>sa_delta to '0.5', then:
>mails with a score between 6.5 and 7 will be tagged as ***Spam*** LOW
>mails with a score between 7 and 7.5 wiil be tagged as ***Spam*** MEDIUM
>mails with a score higher than 7.5 will be tagged as ***Spam*** HIGH
>Thanks as always
>I did restart after e
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