> Thanks for posting your quarantine-attachments.txt entries.  I had a few
> those, but the list sure helped.  Also, add:
> Information.zip        0       Bagle-H/I

Thanks. The list I got came from Sophos at:
and http://www.sophos.com/virusinfo/analyses/w32bagleh.html

According to them, your new one (Information.zip) should be Bagle-J. At
least, that is the first variant that lists that file.

> ...just got it that one.
> File sizes I've seen are:
> MoreInfo.pif 12288 bytes
> TextFile.zip 12416 bytes
> Attach.zip 12420 bytes
> Readme.zip 12422 bytes
> Information.zip 12420 bytes

I wonder if the different variants have different sizes. The two that I
personally have recieved were both over 20K in size and none of yours are. I
guess it is better to leave the size at 0 for now.

> How about this: Is it possible to put a range in qmail-scanner? e.g.:
> .zip   12000-13000   Bagle-H/I

I don't think you can do that right now, but it might be something to add
for a future release...

Trey Nolen

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