Let me clarify...having read some other posts on this list...the messages
that are getting through are NOT bounces....also, I have only ever caught
the Mydoom.A (Worm.SCO.A) variant....anyone else seen much in the way of
email-borne Mydoom.B or Myjuice variants?

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Menefee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 7:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Qmail-scanner-general]Mydoom/Worm.SCO

latest stable is 0.65, I thought. I will research the issue, but what does
clamav have to do with the bounces? This seems more like a message-handling
process like Q-S or qmail-queue....the contents of the message either
contain a virus or they don't

-----Original Message-----
From: russ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Qmail-scanner-general]Mydoom/Worm.SCO

On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 16:03, Michael Menefee wrote:

> I can see that qmail-scanner and clamav are quarantining the
> mydoom/Worm.SCO.A, however the A/V on my exchange keeps picking it up and
> IDS box is showing my Q-S box sending the Mydoom virus to my exchange
> server. 
> Has anyone had a problem with this slipping through? 

It may be sneaking through in bounce messages.  Upgrade to ClamAv 0.66
and it will catch the bounces as well.

Russel Oliver

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