I have done this for a customer of mine. It has been working well for a
few weeks now. There were a few issues with their system, and some
things it didn't do 'right' or that it should do 'better'.

Basically, if it is plain text, then as someone else said, it is simple.
If it is mime, then you need to extract the plain text part, and add the
.sig, extract the html and add the .sig (to the right spot). Also make
sure you don't edit other mime parts which don't belong.

Also, I didn't take into account GPG signed messages etc, but you
probably should depending on your environment.


> Hash: SHA1
> Jason,
> It looks like there needs to be 2 append methods; one for plain text,
> one for mime. 
> Plain text is simple enough. The mime issue would really
> concern me, if
> the mime wasn't already identified and taken apart by your script.
> Perhaps that would be a good insertion point, after the scan
> is successful.
> Or it may be that I have it all wrong, and should pipe the mail from
> qmail-scanner to a different preprocessor.
> Kind of a "post" preprocessing preprocessor.  Say that 3 times fast.

Adam Goryachev
Website Managers
Ph:  +61 2 9345 4395                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax: +61 2 9345 4396                        www.websitemanagers.com.au

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