On Sat, 2004-01-24 at 02:17, David A Gartner wrote:
> Is there a good way to turn off quarantine? We have our qmail-scanner
> configured to dis-allow executable attachments and in a given day it
> quarantines about 8-9 gigs of email with viruses attached (this server
> runs email for well over 10000 users). Is there a switch to make
> qmail-scanner stop quarantining stuff and just toss it in the
> bit-bucket?

Nope. Why don't you just script something to clean it out regularly via

I mean something as simple as

find /var/spool/qmailscan/quarantine/new  -type f -print | xargs rm -f

should do the trick.

There may be the occassion where for some reason you want access to the
original message. If you immediately delete them, you'll never have the

Although I must admit 8-9G of viruses in 24 hours!!!! I can't imagine
that amount!!! [go on - tell us how much mail you process - you must be
near top of the heap around here... :-)]

Sigh - I've changed my mind - you should look at commenting out the
first chunk of the subroutine "email_quarantine_report" to do what you
want. I've haven't looked into it in detail - but that'd be the starting


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