Well, unfortunately, since we've just recently rolled this out, we're not
turfing emails with sa_delete/sa_reject just yet.  That said, I'm sure I'll
eliminate many, many bounces when we implement it.

I guess what I'm looking for is confirmation that this is basically a
necessary evil and that there isn't a way to only send notifications to
legitimate email users, instead of fake ones like [EMAIL PROTECTED]


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Salvatore Toribio
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 3:24 AM
To: James Herschel; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Qmail-scanner-general]Notifications

At 11:59 -0500 26-01-2004, James Herschel wrote:
>Hopefully this hasn't been asked a hundred times ... Basically, I've got
>qmail-scanner set up to send notifications to sender and admin so that
>remote users know if their email gets stopped by qmail-scanner.
>SA 2.61
>QS 1.20st
>ClamAV 0.65
>The problem is that 99.99999% of these notifications are being sent to
>spammers with non-existent accounts.  So basically, I've got hundreds of
>emails waiting for delivery in my queue that are skewing my stats and
>potential throughput problems.  Besides that, these emails will eventually
>timeout in the queue and send me a failure notice.
>Has anyone come up with a creative way to deal with this issue?  What do
>do?  I've tried lowering my queue-time, which doesn't do much at all except
>lower the amount of HD space my queue takes up (really a non-issue).
>Not sure what I can do besides turning off notifications to the sender, but
>I like the idea of letting the sender know right away.  What would be
>cool would be to drop the notification if the SA score is past a certain
>threshold ... anyone feel like writing a patch ;-)

1) If you use sa_delete, no notifications will be sent to the sender.

2) If you enable sa-reject your server won't have to deal with those
notifications, the last server used by the spammer will do the job
for you..

to see the bounce messages.


>Besides that, I guess I could just tighten down my BADRCPTHOSTS so that
>spam is dropped right off the bat ... but I'm just grasping at straws.
>Thanks for your input!!

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The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
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See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.
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