Am 01.12.2003 um 17:42 schrieb Salvatore Toribio:


This is a good idea, it isn't unrealistic and it is possible to do it
with qmail-scanner (without rewriting the SMTP protocol...)

Okay, at leat I'm not the only one, that is sick of receiving a lot of spam
each day...

 31: return "Dmail server permanently rejected message (#5.3.0)";
 73: return "Zconnection to mail server rejected (#4.4.1)";

 The first one send to the remote server a "554"      (that means:
 Transaction failed) the second send "451" (Requested action aborted:
 local error in processing)

 If a message if reject for RBL, qmail-smtpd sends a "451", so this
 could be a good choice.

I think 554 would be better. 451 just causes the sending mailserver to try
again (4xx is temporary error, where 5xx is permanent error). Returning 554
would cause the mail to be bounced/discared at the sending server - instead
of the server trying to re-transmit it several times a day for several

I also believe that 4xx would be a temporary failure and 5xx a permanent error, but in this case, why does rblsmtpd reject with a 451?

Using 4xx instead of 5xx takes human error into account.

[..] Temporary Errors

Normally, if $RBLSMTPD is set, rblsmtpd uses a 451 error code in its limited SMTP conversation. This tells legitimate clients to try again later. It gives innocent relay operators a chance to see the problem, prohibit relaying, get off the RBL, and get the mail delivered.

However, if $RBLSMTPD begins with a hyphen, rblsmtpd removes the hyphen and uses a 553 error code. This tells legitimate clients to bounce the message immediately.

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