Greetings, I am using Q-S 1.20rc3 and have sucessfully modified it to recognize and use InoculateIT/eTrus Antrivirus 7.0 for Linux. It generates a working script at least. However, I have run across a problem and was wondering if anyone on the list knows of a way to handle it. Part of modifying Q-S to recognize ETAV7 was creating a modified and calling it Here are its contents: ------------------- sub inocmd32_scanner { #InoculaateIT (eTrust Antivirus) scanner &debug("inocmd32: starting scan of directory \"$scandir/$file_id\"..."); my ($start_inocmd32_time)=[gettimeofday]; my ($DD,$inocmd32_status,$stop_inocmd32_time,$inocmd32_time); &debug("run $inocmd32_binary -MOD Secure -ARC -SPM H $scandir/$file_id 2>&1"); $DD=`$inocmd32_binary -MOD Secure -ARC -SPM H $scandir/$file_id 2>&1`; $inocmd32_status=($? >> 8); &debug("--output of inocmd32 was:\n$DD--"); if ( $inocmd32_status == 100 && $DD =~ /.*infected\sby\svirus\s(.*)\s/m ) { $quarantine_description=$1; &debug("There be a virus! ($quarantine_description)"); ($quarantine_event=$quarantine_description)=~s/\s/_/g; $quarantine_event="INOC:".substr($quarantine_event,0,$QE_LEN); $description .= "\n$DD\n"; } elsif ( $inocmd32_status > 0 ) { #This implies a corrupt set of DAT files or resource problems... &error_condition("corrupt or unknown InoculateIT scanner error or memory/resource/perms problem - exit status $inocmd32_status"); } $stop_inocmd32_time=[gettimeofday]; $inocmd32_time = tv_interval ($start_inocmd32_time, $stop_inocmd32_time); &debug("inocmd32: finished scan of dir \"$scandir/$file_id\" in $inocmd32_time secs"); } ------------------------------------------------------ The problems comes when running the line $DD=`$inocmd32_binary .......`; Apparently, this gets run as the user qscand. Inocmd32 *has* to be run as root - sudo (or sudo -u root) does not do the trick even after giving the group qscand access to the file via /etc/sudoers. Does anyone on this list have any ideas on how to accomplish this? Once I can fix this problem, I will send the mods to Jason for possible inclusion into the source tree. Thanks in advance, Bob J ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: Giveback Program. hosts over 70,000 Open Source Projects. See the people who have HELPED US provide better services: Click here: _______________________________________________ Qmail-scanner-general mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] |