Cream[DONut] wrote:
At 17:14 07-08-2003 -0400, you wrote:

of the ones "can not be caught", they are IFRAME links inside HTML content in message body, and Q-S is not doing message body pattern scanning.

Is there -any- reason to allow IFRAME content in EMAIL content?? -could- stop IFRAME exploits in HTML with SpamAssassin's defang_mime=1 option but that would "disable" all HTML email (might not a bad thing depending on your POV ;)

my system with Q-S and clamav have no problem catching IFRAME exploits:


The virus was reported to be:


yes...sorta... don't consider yourself immune.
clamAV can stop certain -kinds- of iframe exploits, e.g. those using CID ref's

("~" inserted below to prevent scanner problems)

  <i~frame src=cid:D21W5Bb4Xmsf7sl height=0 width=0>

but will not "catch" the type sent in GFI's tests:

src=""; width=0 height=0>

Try pasting each of the bits above into separate files and scan with clamscan (without the ~ of course)

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